Lodge Future, Anton Sonam Hiort-Lorenzen

Where do you currently live and where are you from ?
I live in Brumleby, and always have
Tell us about your board, size, what you like and so
I ride a 9.75. Great size very epic
Job ? school ?
I go to Gefion Gymnasium in 3.g
Who got you into skateboarding ?
I think i got into skating because my father and Big brother skated
What and who is your first skateboarding memorys ?
I remember riding around Brumleby and trying for hours to get my ollies
How many hours do you skateboard per week ?
Not as many as i would like
Who is your fav skateboarder ?
Probably Ali Boulala
Who do you skate with on daily basis ?
Fifathan, Thomas Risi, Pelle, and whoever is in fælled at The time
What is your to go to trick ?
Back boneless
What are you planing for this FALL and winter ?
Me and fifathan and some others are trying to film more street clips, and hopefully make a video.
How is your day looking at the moment ?
Pretty good. Ate a nice breakfast. The weather is looking Epic so Im Probably heading for parken soon.
Do you have any secret hobbies ?
Nah not really any secret ones
Do we know you for the better now ?
Last words, thank you, other, did we miss anything ?
Thanks for having me