Lodge Future, Oscar Guldberg
Where do you currently live and where are you from ?
From Vanløse, Copenhagen, at the moment i live in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen
Tell us about your board, size, what you like and so
I mostly skates 8.5 boards, 149 trucks, 56mm wheels and bronson raw
Right now i’m in 8. Grade on NY hollænder School in Frederiksberg
Who got you into skateboarding ?
My moms boyfriend have a friend who skates. Then he gave me an Old complete board and introduced me. And i just thought it was really fun
What and who is your first skateboarding memorys ?
I remember skating parken alot when i first started
How many hours do you skateboard per week ?
I skate almost everyday, so LOTS of hours
How is your 2020 year going so far ?
It’s going fine so far, but im so tired of corona
Who do you skate with on daily basis ?
Emil, Louis, Isak, lazerlars, Alvin, Aske and so on
Are you gettting some skate sessions in ?
Yeah! We’ve been skating alot of street lately
What is your to go to trick ?
What are you planing for this FALL and winter ?
Not that Much just to skate and have fun
How are you handing the corona virus ?
Wash hands, Keep distance and skate
Do you think the world will be better after the corona virus ?
On some points yeah, i Think many People Will have a better hygiene
How is your day looking at the moment ?
Great! I just Got holidays
Wanna tell us about your local skatespot ?
I live right beside Carlsberg, but i mostly skates in Fælledparken
Do you have any secret hobbies ?
Sometimes i draw
Any special plans for the future ?
Just skate and have fun and i really wanna try skate in Paris
Do we know you for the better now ?
I hope so
Last words, thank you, other, did we miss anything ?
Thanks for this