Lodge Future, Isak Tullin
Where do you currently live and where are you from ?
Copenhagen denmark
Tell us about your board, size, what you like and so
8,5 i think its just perfect, idk why.
Primary school, Copenhagen
Who got you into skateboarding ?
My dad skated when he was young so, he inspired me a lot to do it.
What and who is your first skateboarding memorys ?
I remember, before i skated. i was on a trip to italy, we where in the mountains , and there just stood a mini ramp, so random spot in the woods. there where some locals who skated it. and that’s possible my first skateboard memory.
How many hours do you skateboard per week ?
idk. like maybe 20 hours.
How is your 2020 year going so far ?
it’s alright, besides from all the corona virus and the murders the american police has committed.
Who do you skate with on daily basis ?
Alvin, oscar, louis, lars, hannah, emil
Are you gettting some skate sessions in ?
Yes, fælledparken, Copenhagen and some street atm.
What is your to go to trick ?
What are you planing for this FALL and winter ?
Not much, just chilling
How are you handing the corona virus ?
i’m washing my hands when i get home, when i arrive somewhere, and if i can’t wash them with water and soap imma use hand samuraier. and just using a mask where im told and so on.
Do you think the world will be better after the corona virus ?
Maybe, we’ve at least learned something, like to have better hygiene, and stuff like that.
How is your day looking at the moment ?
7:30 waking up. 9:00 – 15:15 school. 15:30 – idk = skateboarding
Wanna tell us about your local skatespot ?
Enghave skatepark. there not much to say. it’s full of scooters.
Do you have any secret hobbies ?
Hmm, i play guitar.
Any special plans for the future ?
i’m going to paris this spring, if corona virus allows.
Do we know you for the better now ?
idk i guess so:)
Last words, thank you, other, did we miss anything ?
s/o all the homies!