Lodge Guest, Oliver Knap
What is your name ? Oliver Knap
Where are you From ? Farum, Denmark
How old are you ? 16
Sponsors ? no, unfortunately not
Board, Trucks & Wheel size ? Board: REAL, Trucks: Indys 148 & Wheels: 52mm-53mm spitfire
What is your normal skate terrain ? Street: 50%, Miniramp: 10%, Bowl: 10% & street(flow): 30%
Why do you skateboarding the first place ? it’s fun and i simply love it
Tell us how a great day is looking for you, a whole day a classic friday: 07.00 waking up 08.00 school 09.00 school 10.00 school 11.00 school 12.00 school 13.00 school 14.00 on may way home from school 15.00 on my way to Cph to get a session on with the crew 16.00 session at some streetspot or some skatepark 17.00 session still on 18.00 session still on 19.00 probably on my way to get some food & beers 20.00 back for a quick sesh’n’beer before heading out 21.00 heading home to a homie 22.00 Predrinking at one of the homies 23.00 party & drinking 24.00 party & drinking 01.00 Party & drinking 02.00 its still lit 03.00 drinking the last couple of beers 04.00 heading home 05.00 late night snack 06.00 sleep
Do you think your parents wanted you to skate ? yes, they thought it was very healthy for me.
What is the future of skateboarding ? my homies Thomas Samuel & Sebastian Bromose are the future of skateboarding
How are you doing at the moment ? Are you fit for fight ? im good overall, my right food is a bit fucked, but its beginning to heal.
Have you been on any mission(S) lately, you wanna tell about about ? A lot of missions at Tuboghavn in Hellerup with the PG crew.
Who do you skate with ? PG crew, classmates & whoever is down to get a good sesh on.
What is your plan this spring 2017 & summer ? Spring: exams & skating. Summer: Roskilde Festival with the homies, LA, more skating.
What motivates you at the moment ? My homies & a good skatevideo
Any Thank you’s ? Thanks to all of my homies & my family
Random storys ? once i was at skate contest and had a bad hangover, so i drinked to cans of Monster energy and i that didn’t help at all, so i puked and skated anyways. after 1 minute or so into my run, i tried Fs feeble on a handrail, but i missed and knocked my head to the ground and next thing i remember is that i wake up in a ambulance, fucked up on morphin. it ended i could skate for some weeks. I guess thats a random story.