Lodge Guest, Mikko Koski

Photo credits : not sure
What is your name ?
Mikko Koski
Where do you live and where are you from ?
I live at Lohja Finland. I am from Kerava Finland.
Tell us a little bit about your past… growing up
Why skateboarding ? How did it start for you ?
I used to go Judo twice a week before i found skateboarding. There is too much rules. And coach tell you what to do. In skateboarding you can do what ever you want.
What size set up, wheels & trucks do you currently ride ?
8,5 deck, 55mm wheels, 149 Independent trucks and bones bearings.
Any sponsors ?
Tikari skateboards, Dayoff skateshop, Hynninen streetwear.
School, work, not working or other occupation ?
I am working at limestone mine right now.

How is a normal day looking for you ?
Wake up about 5.00 then working 6.00-14.00. Then i pick up my son from kinderkarten. Then skateboarding, frisbeegolf, familytime or just hanging around.
Tell us how a good long weekend is looking for you
Lot’s of skateboarding, familytime and hanging with your friends.
Nothing special.
Any new projects or missions 2018, you wanna talk about ?
Who are you hanging out with at the moment ?
My son.
Who and what is your motivation at the moment ?
My son. Skateboarding keeps me going.
What do you do besides skateboarding, hobbies, other interests ?
Frisbeegolf, once in a year snowboarding and oldschool skateboard collecting.
What is your to go to resturant ?
Depend’s what restaurant i am going to, but i can eat anything.
When you cook food, what do you cook ?
Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ?
Water, milk, water.
How do you see the future of skateboarding ?
Cant wait to see how skateboarding do at the olympics.
Who do we need to interview on the lodge ?
Bill danforth!

Thank you ?
To all my sponsors, friends, family and my mom.
Last words ?
Less talking! More skateboarding!