Lodge Photography, Robin Nilssen

How long have you been shooting photos & how did you start ?

I first started shooting back when I tore my ACL in 95/96 and needed something to do while I couldnt skate.
Developing in my moms washing room. I guess alot of skate phototographers started out the same way.

But as soon as I got back on the board I left the camera at home and after a few years I started working and pretty much stopped skating all together.Then I went to an art school (-04) and just painted for a year, and at that point Giftorm (Swedish skate mag) just started and I picked up my old camera. I am forever greatful that I got to evolve as a photographer in that magazine, do alot of traveling and meet alot of amazing people! So I guess I been shooting skating seriously since -05 or something.




What kind of equipment do you use?

All that I can get my hands on, ha ha! I really like techniques and what you can do with them, old cameras, new cameras whatever finds its way into my brain. But right now I use a Canon 5DsR with a couple of Zeiss Otus lenses. Sharp as fuck but also expensive as fuck. Looking to get back in into medium format again.



What do you prefer, analog or digital?

For work digital all the way, but for personal stuff I would have to say analog. It is just a whole other process when you are shooting. With a digi, the photo has just begun when you push the trigger, but with analog the work is before you take the shot.




How much money do you spend on equipment?

Ouff, thru my career or on what I work with now? Well over 150 000 skr right now.




Do you only shoot skateboarding? Or other? If other please list?

Nope, I work on a daily basis as a commercial photographer.  Mostly AD’s and portrait stuff, a few look books and product shoots a year to.




What is your best photo mission so far ?

When I went down to Malaga back in -06(?) and met up with all the guys living down there at the time.
We got over 45 really good photos in 10 days.




What is the differenct from the 80 90 20 2010s in skatephotography?

I think that the photographer got more recognision in the late-90’s-early -00’s.
Sure they were a few in Cali before that, but during that era I think that Skating broke i Europe, and more people could work with it. As far as the photos go, Atiba made a big change in that he started shooting medium format.
The square format took off and you still find alot of 6×6 shots in todays magazines. With the photo it self I think we (as photographers) has been walking backwords to get more then the trick in the shot, architecture, people and what not.
Also flash photography is not as nessesery as it was when everyone shoot with Hassy’s at 1/500 sek.
Now we got ISO 100 000 and can almost shoot ”natural” light at night.




Who do you preferred to shoot with?

My old 500 cm with the Distagon 30mm fisheye! Loved it and regret ever selling it (alldough I would probably not use it if I still had it) As far as skaters, I always love to go on missions with my man Koffe Hallgren, even if we sit in traffic all day and get no photos, we still have a blast!!! alltough we usally get good stuff, he’s a beast!



Do you wanna share any proud shooting moments ?

Hmmm, maybe the times when you got recognition from other (skate)photographers you look up to!
Not going name names, but it’s always a good feeling when you wake up and got a comment on something (insta or FB) from a fellow photographer!


Any camera/shooting advises?

Keep shooting and try to learn the basics, they arent that many but they helps you understand most of the problems you will face as a photographer!




Thanks ROBIN for joining the lodge, feel free to see more of Robin’s work here, photographer Robin Nilssen


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