#SWXSLTOUR2017 Photo Feature #1

Couple of shots from our first 2 days.. Some chilling and a few sessions in the area. Bucky’s and a local skatepark in Oceanside.


balder lehmann fadøl - IMG_8199 tobias just fadøl - IMG_8194 peter stege balder lehmann ville wester - IMG_8222 GMC bilen - IMG_8237oceanside - IMG_8248 oceanside - IMG_8236 oceanside - IMG_8247thomas kring rune glifberg og hugo boserup encinitas - IMG_8294 thomas kring lien to tail - IMG_8266 ville wester og tobias just - IMG_8273 hugo boserup fs air - IMG_8258 ville wester - IMG_8302 taco mesa - IMG_8233
morgenmad - IMG_8244lasek land - IMG_8320 tobias just og ville wester - IMG_8334 thomas madsen fs air bucky - IMG_8323 buckys - IMG_8384 buckys - IMG_8378 BUCKYEAH stege - IMG_8375 rune glifberg bs tailslide hos bucky - IMG_8356crew - IMG_8394

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