Lodge Guest, Nis Andersen
Name: Nis Andersen
Current: Job / school: Video Editor
Where are you from? Svendborg, Denmark
Where do you currently live? Copenhagen / Vesterbro
( if posissible ) please name a cool spot from where you are from? Jarmers plads
What nationaly do you feel the most? all
Family status: girlfriend an a daughter – age 2.5 years
Age: 34
Sponsors: still got love for Nike and Streetmachine
Years of skateboarding: 21
Board size: 8.5
Wheel size: 52 mm
Trucks: 139 indy
I change set up every: 3 month
Current Board trend: STM board, wheels, berings and indy trucks
Please state your type of terrain on your board in hours, days and years or other
Street: to little
(Skatepark) Flow Street: to much
Miniramp: can’t remember last time
Long board: hahahaha… as if
Vert: never
Bowl: wish I could
Freestyle: allways J hahaha
How are you doing at the moment?
Great!!! feeling kind of fat since it just been Christmas and I eat to much
How is your body at the moment, (injuries, knees, back, and so)? Fat but good. no injuries
When did you start to skate and why? What tricked you into this? when I was 13 and was tire of rocking rollerblades. I used to cruise on side by side bauer.. hahaha but it got to boring and skateboard was more challenging and fun!!!
Do you think you made the right choice (instead of playing football FX?)?
Anything that influences you at the moment?
My daughter and new apartment. a lot of work goes in to both J
Please comment your feelings, memories (if you are that old) & know how about Skateboarding in the
90s: just started skating. But a lot of baggy pants and watching Mouse
2000+: still strong on the baggy pants, but starting to get spicy on Axion and Girl. Also I remember getting heavy on the crooked grinds and bluntslides
2010+ Less baggy J hahahah
Do you feel skateboarding is in a good way?
YES! More diverse skaters who can skate everything. Love to watch guys like Hugo and Ville skate
Where do you stand & please comment with skateboarding in the Olympics?
Don’t know. I think people are talking shit about it and still going to watch it. Really don’t care.
Where do you stand in terms of politics?
Pay more tax, be more caring for other people, take care of our planet.
I’m have been on a mission lately in (with)
Haven’t been in a long time.
Dream session would be,
Hjalte, Frey, Hvilsom, Keld. I don’t know. Just want to skate with all my friends.
Lately I have been working on,
My apartment. hahaha.
When I was little I would like to,
Don’t know.
I enjoy going to,
The skatepark for a late night Streetmachine session
Favorits drinks ?
Beer: carlsberg
Wine: white with one icecube
Liquor: G’n T
When I chill, I chill with: my daughter and girlfriend. Would love to hang more with my friends
NIKE SB TOUR, back in the day,
Featuring the Danish Nike SB team, Hjalte Halberg, Anton Juul, Nis Andersen, Morten Bech during a ten day stay in Shanghai, China. Filmed in October 2011. Additional appearance by Danijel Stankovic, Nils Svensson, Henrik Svan, Charles Lanceplaine and Luypa Sin.