2016-2017 Highlights with Thomas Nielsen



Please name 5 random things that you want to HIGHLIGHT & WHY for 2016




  1. Our newest video ”ÅRET” uploaded online !!


2. Go Skateboarding Day in Aalborg – perfect weather and lots of friends skating our new DIY obstacles in ”Lunden”

3. 7 years birthday in my shop – thanks for the support and love!!

4. Mallorca Filmer tour with my brother Michael – always nice with a trip to the south when the winter shows up in Denmark.

5. New things in Danish skateboarding popin up. Shredders, Pusher, Buttshot .. So fresh keep em coming.

Thomas Nielsen FS flip, Hamborg, Photo: michaelnielse.

Thomas Nielsen FS flip, Hamborg, Photo: michaelnielsen


Please name 5 things that you want to DO and HIGHLIGHT for 2017 and why

1.Finishing our next video project – Premiere after the summer in Aalborg, be there!

2.Tours: planning on tours in the spring and a last minute hammers trip before the premiere after the summer.


tour life, the boss van.

Tour life, the boss van.

3.Cellebrate new years on Gran Canaria this week.

4.Lots of skateboarding and tours around DK.

5. Guns N Roses concert in the summer!!

News years resolutions ?

Skateboarding everyday with my brothers as we always do!

Anything else ?

Have a good one and see you on the streeeeets!!

Thanks to ?

SKATEBOARDING, all my friends, family and girlfriend Signe.

HANGING OUT ! photo: not sure, credits coming

HANGING OUT ! photo: not sure, credits coming



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