Lodge Guest, Rich Perusi
Name: Rich Perusi
Current: Job / school: Associate Creative Director at VICE
Where are you from? Bridgeport, Connecticut – USA
Where do you currently live? Copenhagen, DK
What nationaly do you feel the most? American, except when Trump is on the TV
Family status: Girlfriended
Age: 35
Sponsors: None
Years of skateboarding: 7 on – 14 off – 2.5 on again.
Board size: 8.25
Wheel size: 56
Trucks: Indy 149
I change set up every: 6 months or so
Current Board trend: Blanks are looking trendy, but I love a good graphic!
Please state your type of terrain on your board in hours, days and years or other
Street: Not often enough
(Skatepark) Flow Street: Most Always
Miniramp: Feelings this a lot lately, when i can get to one.
Long board: never
Vert: maybe once in my life, when i was braver and had less chest hair
Bowl: Yes
Freestyle: Not really
Please tell us about your daily DAY by the hours, (or tell us about your longest day the last week’s) we want to know how your day is looking like
06.00 Sleep
07.00 Wake Up
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Work
12.00 Lunch
17.00 Work
18.00 Chill
19.00 Dinner
20.00 Skate, Draw or Paint
21.00 Skate, Draw or Paint
22.00 Draw or Paint
23.00 Chill
24.00 Sleep
How are you doing at the moment?
Im doing really well right now. I keep that PMA.
I wish I could skate more – but I think thats ever skaters wish!
How is your body at the moment, (injuries, knees, back, and so so)?
Hurt my knee pretty bad at Roskilde 2 weeks ago, but I am feeling strong again.
When did you start to skate and why? What tricked you into this?
The first time, it was the older kids in my neighbourhood, with their Rob Roskopp boards. They always looked like they were having so much fun. So I begged my parents to get me a board, but they weren’t too keen and then when I finally was able to buy one myself I did.
The second time, I had just moved to Copenhagen, and hadn’t skated in a really long time, but soon as I saw Fælledparken I was dying to skate again. I had a little shock at the prices of stuff here, but soon DBA became my best friend.
Please comment your feelings about Skateboarding in the
80s The foundations, always loved watching the videos from this era.
90s Was the foundation of everything for me, Skating, Art, personalities, photography, music everything about the 90s was so so cool to me.
2000 Seemed like it was a lot of big puffy sneakers.
2010+ Its amazing to see how big skateboarding is – and how easy it is to see what everyone all over the world is doing. You can instantly see a person in Japan skating, a person in Oregon and then a person in New Zealand all within one scroll on your phone. That’s insane.
Do you feel skateboarding is in a good way?
Yes 100% feels for it.
Where do you stand & please comment with skateboarding in the Olympics?
Seems a bit strange, skateboarding was always a bit of an outsider thing to me,
Where do you stand in terms of politics?
I’m liberal, I hate guns, and war. I guess I’m like people.
When I chill, I chill with,
My girlfriend, my skate friends, and my non skate friends.
I’m have been on a mission lately in (with)
Anders and Bo to skate some Roskilde spots.
Dream session would be: All my friends from the US and Denmark together at a backyard bowl or ramp – bands playing – laughs, hanging out and great vibes.
Lately I have been working on:
My drawing and painting mostly, and staying warm as it gets colder here.
When I was little I would like to,
Be a carpenter or rockstar
When I’m home I like to,
Draw, paint, listen to records
I normally call my homies for:
food, skating, hanging out.
Your homies are: Anders, Uffe, Bo, Fransisco, Matti, Jonas, Jannick, Rune
I enjoy going to: Fælledparken, Hullet, Anywhere the homies are skating that day.
Beer: Tuborg
Wine: whatever the girlfriend orders is fine.
Liquor: Spritz me
Breakfast: Egg and Cheese on a roll
Lunch: Chicken Salad with Chili
Dinner: Pasta and meatballs from my mom
Late-night snack: peanut butter and jelly
Resturant: Pho Hanoi
Skateboarders: The Gonz, Ray Barbee, Grant Taylor, Ed Templeton, Aaron Harrington
Skatepark: Fælledparken
Skate spot: Anywhere I can roll with some friends
Skate film / clip: Welcome to Hell, Yeah Right, Video Dayz Ban This, Trocadero Days, The Fancy Lad stuff is always good for a laugh.
You fave Tricks: big ollies and Boneless fun.
Art: Linder Sterling, Ed Ruscha, Peter Bagge,
Film: Leon, Band of Outsiders, Harold and Maude,
Music: Bad Brains, Fugazi, New Order, Black Flag
Book: If on a Winter’s night a traveler, The Stranger, Under the Roofs of Paris
City’s: New York, Copenhagen, Paris, London,
Writers: Albert Camus, Dennis Cooper, Italo Calvino, Cormac McCarthy
Actors: Philip Seymour Hoffman
Skaters: The Gonz, Ray Barbee, Grant Taylor, Ed Templeton, Aaron Harrington
Homeboys: are always good to have
Radom’s: are always good to talk to
Technology: its slowly killing us i think.
Tablet: nope
TV: nope
Camara: pentax AF point and shoot for silly shit
Phone: iPhone 6
APP: been deep into the discogs app lately, I used to have a vinyl collecting problem.
Car: Not here – had a Honda Civic back in the US
Bike: i bought a bike for 900 dkk when i moved here 3 years ago, i still ride that.
When was the last time you really won big ?
I just got a sick apartment with my girl. I feel like i hit the lotto!
When was the time you really lost big time ?
I don’t dwell on losses too long, i try to find the positive in all my failures.
When I travel, I always bring,
My camera
Best travel advice I can give is,
Don’t forget your passport
Best life advice I can give is,
Always make sure you learn something.
Are you good with money (do you plan, safe it, cash in or blow it)?
Im not really good with money – i never know where it all goes.
Best travel memory you want to share?
I fought a guy who put a gun to my chest in Buenos Aires – he wanted my money. My first instinct was to grab the gun. Once you do that you cant turn back though – it got really awkward because we didn’t know how the stand off should end.
I didn’t get shot, and he didn’t get any money. But his boy robbed my girlfriend at the time, of her money and camera.
When I do not skateboard I,
chill with my girlfriend, work, or draw
My fitness program is,
football (soccer), skateboarding, and the occasional trip to the gym.
Do you care about your health ?
yes – but not as much as i probably should.
Anything that concerns you at the moment?
I bought a helmet for skating recently, so I guess I’m afraid of hitting my head.
When I get old I want to,
Not complain about being old, stay flexible and happy.
I would like to see more of,
My family – and less of my work place.
That one time where I was in jail because of:
I didn’t get all the way to jail, but cuffed and questioned over a fight.
I was guilty, but the kid didn’t rat so respect to him.
I should do more of,
skating, listening to records, discovering new writers and artists that inspire me.
My future looks like, I hope a lot like the present looks.
I dream of some day that I would, Have a longer holiday than 2 weeks.
On Netflix / YouTube I watch, lately, The Godfather Trilogy,
If I could change the world I would, Give everyone free healthcare and education
Everybody should own a, Multitool
I will never get rid of, My belly
I currently follow (social media, instagram twitter, Facebook)
Way too many people I don’t actually know.
Anything else,
Thank you!