Lodge Guest, Kim Berthelsen aka Kim Slim B
Name: Kim Berthelsen
Current: job / school: Wonder concrete
Where are you from? Copenhagen
Where do you currently live? Østerbronx
Kids / family status: none
Age: 22
Sponsors: none
Board size: 8’12
size: 54 dessert Crew Wheel
Trucks: 149 indy
When I chill, I chill with. Slux, dessert freaks
Im have been on a mission lately; jægers hehe
Lately i have been working on: Birkerød Skatepark
When I was little I would like to… skate parken
When im home I like to. Chill an eat
Normaly call my homies for. Party and bullshit
Your homies are. The dumb ones
I enjoy to go to. All over openhagen
Favorite drink is what ever is in the bag
Favorite food is i love it all
When I cook I cook. Again i love it all
I listen to. The voice ofcourse
To go to resturant is. Cosi fan tuti
Favorit skateboarders. Everybody
Favorite skatepark. The old fælledepark
Favorit spot. downhills unfortunatly theres none here in dk
When I do not skateboard I. Hang out enjoy life
When I get old I want to. Build my own Castle.
I would like to see more of. Sudamerica
I should do more of. Traveling and skatin
My future looks like. Working working working
I dream of. Summer and sailing thru the canals
The book I currently read is. MetroXpress news
I currently follow. Dj Khaled
Anything else & thanks : thanks to Wonder concrete so i Can have a job of course and mom too