Lodge Guest, Emil Kalden Hermann


Where do you currently live and where are you from ?

Amager, Copenhagen

Tell us a little bit about your past ?

I used to live in Indonesia and I used to play soccer for 4 years.

Why skateboarding ? How did it start for you ?

I didn’t have a lot of friends at the time, so I saw some people i kinda knew started skating, so I gave it a try and just loved it from the very beginning

What size set up, wheels & trucks do you currently ride ?

8.5 Hockey board, 44 Ace trucks, Spitfire 52mm

Do you have any setup rituals, we need to know about ?

I always leave the bottom right bolt out of each of my trucks

What kind of skateboarding do you prefer ?

Street skating, but lately i’ve been in love with skating transition.

Do you have a great skate spot in your home town you can recommend ?

Israels plads, perfect ledges to skate.

Who is your favorite skateboarders, under and over 30 ?

Ville, Hugo, Etienne, Hjalte, Heitor, Alex Olson and Cyrus Bennet

School, work, not working or other occupation ?

I’m in 9th grade now, and i have a job at Stranges skateboardskole


Fs Boardslide


How is a normal day looking for you ? 

Wake up, drink some tea, go to school, get off school and go to fælledparken, skate with my homies till its dinnertime, go home, read and sleep

Tell us how a good long great weekend should look for you

Wake up real nice and late, eat some cereal, go to fælledparken, skate with my friends for a few hours, roam the city and skate spots till it gets dark and crash at one of my homies house




How is the summer treating you ?

Super nice, been skating with my friends for the most of the time

Who are you hanging out with at the moment ?

My best friends: Louis, Sander, Hannah and a few otherd





Who and what is your motivation at the moment ?

Ville Wester and the dudes from polar, frog and fucking awesome/hockey

Last country you visited ? and what happened there ?

I went to Sweden with my friends this summer, had a great time, skated Stapels and spots, and went out to eat together

What was the last gnarly thing you witnessed ?

Me dislocating my finger or a kid in the park breaking his wrist

What was the last item you bought ?

Some black polar big boy jeans

Do you have any odd or strange things you do, that you wanna share ?

I love to watch anime and read manga. I also love to learn about science and physics

What do you do besides skateboarding, do you have other hobbies, other interests ?

I like to paint sometimes, and i love to read. But most of the time i just watch skate videos.

What is your to go to restaurant, you wanna share ?

Dido durum house on Nørrebrogade

When you cook food, what do you cook ?

Either noodles or grilled cheese sandwiches

How do you see the future of skateboarding ?

Its dope, lots of cool and unique skaters are around to influence the younger generation

Who do we need to interview on the lodge ?

Alex Olson or Heitor Da Silva

Do you ever think about a future with no skateboarding ?

No, not really

With this interview, do you think we know you now for the better ?

For sure

Last words, thank yous, other, did we miss anything ?

Thanks for the interview????????

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