Lodge Guest, Evandro Menezes “mancha”

Where do you currently live and where are you from ?
Currently live in Vista, San Diego – from Brazil
How is your 2020 year going so far ?
So far so good! No coronavirus ????
Are you gettting some skate sessions in ?
Not as much as I wish. We’ve been homeschooling the kids so with this situation is hard, but it’s what it’s.
How are you handing the corona virus ?
I know that’s a virus, but I don’t believe what the media is telling us. I’m Just trying to keeping everyone as healthy as we can.

How is your day looking at the moment ?
Busy with kids, website work and house stuff.
Wanna tell us about your local skatespot ?
BTeam Ramp has been serving skaters around the world since 2012. Bteam Ramp stands for “Brothers Team” Ramp. and also the idea of skateboarding solely for love and passion for the sport. It is a place that unites people with one purpose: to have fun – backyard ramp style!
Do you have any secret hobbies ?
I am passionate about nutrition, planting, aliens and a little bit of websites
Any special plans for the future ?
Stay healthy and keep skating
Do we know you for the better now ?
I believe so!

Last words, thank you, other, did we miss anything ?
to all my friends who always help out one way or another. A special shout out to Gatorskins for the kickass material, to Chris Conway & Cristiano for being on my side since day one. Also my lovely wife for letting me have fun. Thank you guys for the interview!