Lodge Guest, Mats Hilmer
Where do you currently live and where are you from ?
I was born in Odense, Denmark an hour and half from Copenhagen, i’ve lived there all my life
Why skateboarding ? How did it start for you ?
I’ve always looked up to my brother Freddy, so when I saw him skate at our local mini-ramp, I just naturally followed him. It’s been 14 years now, and I still love every single session.
What size set up, wheels & trucks do you currently ride ?
8.25 deck – 52mm. wheels – 147 trucks
Do you have any setup rituals, we need to know about ?
Nah not really
Any sponsors ?
Enuff Skateboards and Skatepro
What kind of skateboarding do you prefer ?
Street skating for sure – I’ve always thought it’s so much cooler to be able to skate what ever’s around you, rather than a park made for skating
Do you have a skate spot in your home town you can recommend ?
We have a pretty dope long 4 stair right next to the train station. Other than that, there’s not really anything worth mentioning – all the good old spots have been blocked by café tables and whatnot
Who is your favorite skateboarders ?
I’ve always liked Mike Mo Capaldi – I saw his part in “Fully Flared” when I was 11, and the fact that he was 16 just blew my mind – He’s such a loveable guy aswell
School, work, not working or other occupation ?
Im going to a sound design school next year, so at the moment i’m just working at a gas station to pay my rent haha
How is a normal day looking for you ?
Wake up, take a shower, go to work, skate, watch netflix the rest of the day haha
Tell us how a good long weekend is looking for you
Going out with my friends Friday, ordering food when i’m hungover Saturday and skate Sunday
Any new projects or missions 2018, you wanna talk about ?
Finding a filmer in Odense is almost impossible, so unfortunately, I don’t think i’m gonna be throwing out a part any time soon. I guess i’m just gonna skate around and have a good time as usual
What are you planing for this Fall and winter 2018-19 ?
I’m hopefully visiting my brother in California, if I have the money!
Who are you hanging out with at the moment ?
Everybody at my local skate park are super cool, so i guess whoever’s around!
Who and what is your motivation at the moment ?
Kind of an odd one, but at the moment it’s Leandre Sanders – You literally can’t see when he’s skating switch, and it really makes me wanna step up my switch game
Last country you visited ? and what happened there ?
Sweden – Went to see The vans park series
What was the last gnarly thing you witnessed ?
Oskar Rozenbergs kickflip in his winning run in Malmö – Absolutely insane
What was the last item you bought ?
A new watch i think
What do you do besides skateboarding, do you have other hobbies, other interests ?
I’ve been playing guitar most of my life, so I spend an hour or two on that every day aswell.
What is your to go to restaurant, you wanna share ?
A Hereford Beefstouw – Would eat there every single day if I could
When you cook food, what do you cook ?
I’m so bad in a kitchen, so my roomie always cooks, and I do the dishes haha
Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ?
Kickflip, back smith and hardflip
How do you see the future of skateboarding ?
Watching how skateboarding has progressed since I started is mad – The bar is rising every day
Who do we need to interview on the lodge ?
I don’t know if it’s gonna be useful at all, but get Mathias Bach on here – that guy is the funniest man alive
Do you ever think about a future with no skateboarding ?
Yea, truly awful
Last words, did we miss anything ?
Thanks for having me haha