Lodge Guest, Henrik Cederlund

What is your name ? Henrik Cederlund
Where do you live and where are you from ? I live in Halmstad, borned and partly raised in Tibro, Västergötland.
What size set up do you currenltly ride ? Welcome 8.6″, Ace 44´s, Spitfire 54´s.
Any sponsors ? Yes. But none skate related, i´m not good enough and i´m probably too old anyways. Support the kids!
Family status ? 3 daughters that rock my world
School, work or both ? I currently devide my time between the Local club in Halmstad and The Swedish Skateboard association (SSF). Working with all the good stuff. Inclusiveness and especially people that come to our country for protection. We all need to pitch in more there.
How is a great normal day looking for you ? ( start from morning til late night) I get upp about 6.30, getting the girls ready for school and send them of. Starting up my computer and start to work. After lunch go over to the local skatepark and continue working. At the moment we have some trouble with our municipally here and the amount of support (lack of) they give out to us. But what can i say, it´s probably just another day fighting the good fight.
Tell us how a good long weekend is looking for you It probably has a skateevent and good friends involved. The best long weekend is Vert Attack for sure!! I have a secret dream to judge that comp, someday. Thats like mission impossible.

How is your fall coming along and how has it been so far ? It´s been good. New gig starting to fall into place with SSF and have been doing some lectures for soem cities about inclusiveness and our work with these issues @ Halmstad Skateboardklubb. I thought that was fun, hope the audience did aswell.
Any projects you got going you wanna talk about ? YEAH, next week it´s The Skating dead returns – Season 3 in Halmstad. ( https://www.facebook.com/events/198445054029371/ ) Last year the Danes fucked everything up with a broken leg and the schedule got screwed so the Deathrace didn´t take place. Nicolai Jeff Kramer from Team Iron is a trooper though, and was awarded the Most Dead Trophy!
Do you read books ? if so, what do you read ? Yeah, i do sometimes. Lately it´s been stuff related to my work with SSF.
Who are you hanging out with at the moment ? All the amazing Gobbaskaters in Halmstad! They are like my Lostboys.
Tell us about the great crew you are bringing to the session next time… Everyone will probably be there, but something needs to be put out there. Sernklo, the greatest skater in Halmstad of all time, but the worst teacher of tricks ever, haha. And Steine, probably the second best skater of all time and a good teacher of tricks. Both are awesome dudes with a heathy competition among them going on. We need t see more of that. we all love them dearly 🙂
How great is your crew really end of the day ? They are always a little bit better than myself on my own.
Do you plan any fall or winter skatemissions ? Probably, For me nowadays it´s more about the kids and the possibilities they can get from the work we do.
Who and what is your motivation at the moment ? My motivation is to win the good fight for more municipally support. To be honest and do good shit.
How do you think your future will look like ? The same and stop aging!? hehe
What else is going on ? Eurocana tour, first stop Halmstad, 25/11 2017. Be there! And some secret projects. Secret is perfect, because if they fall apart you can just move on and try something else. It´s important to stay busy. The hardest thing to do is to do nothing, cause you don´t know when it´s finished.
What do you do besides skateboarding ? Family first, skateboarding second, padel tennis, loss-of-summer deppression.
What is your to go to resturants ? They sometimes call me the Fastfood-Phantom
Whats your top 3 favorite meals ? Burgers, Kebabrulle & Julmust, Julbord.
Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ? Water, Pepsi & of course, VerticAle
How do you see the future of skateboarding ? The most important part is that we get more inclusive and are made aware that straight boys are the dominating part of any skatepark today. That needs to change. My Youtube-link here goes to Nils Liljas briljant short movie “Boys club”. Please watch it and think about what we have today and what it truly can become.
Do you you have other hobbys besides skateboarding ? Yes, i also like to see other people skateboarding.
Who do we need to interview on the lodge ? I think an interview with Ida Östensson would be great! Call her. She is really smart. And can you please ask Kjell Norin why he has moved halfways to russia? We really miss him.
Last Question…what you got ? A sour back due to old age. and krooked knees
Come on, tell us a slippery story. One time i thought i was wrong, and i was wrong about that.. 🙂
Thank you to ? Skateboarding, Halmstad Municipally, Västgötanytt, Campino Pizzeria, Gobbass of Halmstad.
Ha ha ha Henrik Cederlund Love ha