What: Bowl check out
Build: FSR Beton
Where: Haslev
Adresse: Haslev School, 45 mins south of CPH, link: https://goo.gl/maps/Nw6dZMVxBTn
Photos: Thomas Kring

Thomas Madsen, Pivot fakie. Haslev while 15 scooter in the bowl checking it out….

Balder Lehman, rock n roll. Haslev 2017, Good job FSR and Balder on the bowl.

Scooter & kids play in the bowl

Overview, School in the bag ground, Haslev is a ca 45 mins drive south from Copenhagen.

Yebba, the bowl is good…Thomas Madsen approved

Playground for some, bowl for others…

2 hips and a extension corner, good size for a sunday session, Lodge approved bowl. GO check it out.