Lodge Guest, Mikkel Haugegaard



Photo: Simon Skipper Christiansen



What is your name ? Mikkel Haugegaard

Where do you live and where are you from ? born and raised on Falster, but been living in copenhagen for quite some time now.

What set up do you currenltly ride ? Chacales 8,125 board, some thunders that fit the board size, wheels are overrated, bronson bearings

Any sponsors ? nope





Family status ? mom, dad and two older brothers

How is a great day looking for you ? ( start from morning til late night) start off with a damn good cup of coffee. meet up with da boys and hit them streets ya know, gettin them clips ya know. then do something involving alcohol

How is your summer coming along and how has it been ? the bit of summer we\’ve had so far has been great

Any summer projects you wanna talk about ? went to Kenya few weeks ago with Nillo, Dr. skippz, and this guy that did a fakie big heel on the deathbank at Jägers (legend shit). that trip was fucking awesome! we shuold have a couple of edits coming out soon





Who are you hanging out with at the moment ? a bunch of awesome people, and this guy that did a fakie big heel on the deathbank at Jägers (legend shit).

Do you plan any fall or winter skatemissions ? just gonna try to get as many session in as possible, and hopefully squeeze in a trip or two

What else is going on ? working on a new IRON video and filming for Jais Hansen’s (he\’s the guy that made drengene goes black

What do you do besides skateboarding ? watch drengene goes black https://vimeo.com/8380474 my fav part is at 8:43 (G as fuck!)

Do you do have other hobbys besides skateboarding ? i play poker, and make stuff out of wood

Who do we need to interview on the lodge ? Peter Smolik

Last Question…what you got ? dirty dishes

Come on, tell us a slippery story. this guy once did a fakie big heel on the deathbank at Jägers (that bank is pretty slippery)







Thank you ? people

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1 Response

  1. George Gachagua says:

    Wow Mikkel you are a ripper this videos are tight!!!!! and I love the music too

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