Lodge Legend, Paul Atkins AKA Jim the Skin

What is your name ? Paul Atkins AKA Jim the Skin
Where are you from ? Coventry in the UK
How old are you ? Just turned 50……OLD
Sponsors ? A Third Foot Skateboards, Ride skateshop, Dave Allen’s second hand shoes.
Board, Trucks & Wheel size ? 8.75″ ATF Deck, 149 Indie Trucks, 60mm Bones SPF
What is your normal skate terrain ? Vert, Bowls, Pools
Why do you skateboarding in the first place ? It was mid 70’s, and the skateboarding craze was just on it’s way to the UK. I managed to con my mum into buying me a cheap polyprop board from the local toy shop; and that was it. I was hooked!
Tell us how a great day is looking for you I’m a very lucky person because every day is great for me. I am lucky enough to own my own cycle and skate store with my brother. I have a great family life and I still get to skate pretty much when I want. As long as everybody is happy and healthy, then that’s a good day.
Any hobbys besides skateboarding ? Yeah, I own a Harley Davidson which mainly gets used in the summer but I also own a KTM 400 Enduro Bike which I take to Wales with a group of lads that I know so that we can go off roading.
Favorite skateboarders at the moment ? At the moment, I’m enjoying watching Jimmy Langran skate; I skate with him twice a week and believe me there is not a dull moment. Always fired up and trying lots of mad shit. Worldwide skaters I would have to say the likes of Pedro Barros, Alex Sorgente, Chris Russell and Kyle Berard – those guys skate bowls and pools like I would like to skate them. Oh, and vert wise, Sam Beckett and Paul-Luc Ronchetti.
What is the future of skateboarding ? How do you see it ? For me personally, it will always stay the same. Just having great fun travelling around and skating with my mates. As for the rest of the world, we’ll see what happens after the Olympics. I guess we might get some nice parks out of it.
How are you doing at the moment ? Are you fit for fight ? Not too bad at the moment. It certainly doesn’t get any easier, the older you get but as long as I can do a frontside grind and a lien to tail then I’m happy.
Have you been on any mission(S) lately, you wanna tell about about ? This year is going well so far. It started off with Vert Attack which was amazing, the amount of people that attended this year from all over the world made it very special. The skating was insane. Then to find out that I’d come first in the Veteran’s category was mind blowing. Shortly after Vert Attack, went on my annual skate trip (this year it was Portugal) with the same guys I’ve been skating with for the last 30 or so years. It was amazing.
Who do you normally skate with ? I normally skate with all the local vert ramp dudes; Sean Goff (when he’s not injured), Chris ‘Magnum’ Harris, Dave Allen, Leon ‘Zippy’ Adams, Jimmy Langran, Ethan Doody and all the Worcester lot (Team Robot).
How does your weekends normally look like ? Saturday is always spent in the store, then if I’m not off on my travels or attending any of the UK comps, it will be a quick skate at the local bowls on a Sunday morning, then either family stuff or motorbikes in the afternoon.
What is your plan this summer, please let us know a few things your gonna do ? I think all of the major travelling is done for this year but I’ll still be going to all of the UK vert comps and some nice weekends checking out new bowls that have been built with the lads, and maybe a cheeky trip back to Amsterdam with the lady.

What is the future of vert, street or bowl ? Do you see any new directions ? I’d like to see the whole skatepark/bowl comps grow bigger as for me it’s the most exciting form of skateboarding with all the high airs, spins and flips of a vert ramp but all the smooth style and lines of skatepark skating.
What motivates you at the moment ? I have no idea – I just keep going…
Any Random storys ? Don’t know about random but the funniest skate story is when I was at the Download festival, skating the soul bowl. It was literally the last three minutes of the comp and they were close to calling time. I had one last trick that I really wanted to do before the time was up. The DJ put Angel of Death by Slayer on and I was ready to roll. As I was about to drop in, I glanced over the other side to make sure that no one else was taking a ride, where I saw Sean Goff taking off his last item of clothing. He was about to drop in completely naked. I couldn’t believe it. I pulled my board back and let him go. The funniest thing was Tony Alva and Christian Hosoi were also in attendance and didn’t know what the hell was going on. Man, it was funny. This was in front of about 1500 people.
Do you cook food ? if so, what do you cook ? Not really – I can get by and do a great full English breakfast.
Favorite food ? I’m not really a massive foodie, but I like anything that is cooked well.
How does it feel to be on the lodge ? Very nice thanks 🙂 – I was really stoked when I got the invite off Thomas.
Best Lodge interview / post you have read and why ? Wolfgang – that guy is such a dude. He took us skating in Germany and then back to his for a barbecue. Great time had by all.
What should we know about you ? this is your chance to get it our there I’m already out there. Ha ha!
Any thank you’s So many – but a big thanks to Ken and Joel at ATF for all of the free gear over the years, all the regular Creation skaters and anyone that’s ever gone out of their way to shop at Ride. Big thanks to my bird for saying yes to marrying me next year.
What do you want to know about other skateboarders, do we miss a question ? I think you’ve got it all covered.