Skateboard Set up, Thomas Kring
Lodge set up with Thomas Kring
Okay, I have 3 boards, yes it is kind of strange, but i like this concept, so here we go.
“Street board” Normaly i ride a Antihero, real or a polar board 8.3 or 8,4 or 8.5 with a 14.5 wheelbase x 32,5 inch long, this is a a good board for me. Important with the “smaller” wheelbase, so i can (once a year) do a 3 flip.
“Bowl board” Normaly here i also ride a Antihero, real or a Polar board 8,4 or 8.5 with a longer 14.75 wheelbase x 32,5 inch long, this is a a good board for me for bowl. This board has a longer wheelbase, as i normally ride bigger bowls. Once in a while i use my street board in the smaller bowls.
“vert board” Here i also ride a Antihero, Real or a Polar board. I like the “normal concave” 8,4 8.5 or 8.6 with a 14.75 wheelbase x 32,5 inch long . Here the longer wheelbase is a MUST. 14.75 is the perfect wheelbase for me when i ride the vert. 8.6 it a little too wide i think, but i like it sometimes for airs, as you have more landing space. 8.5 is perfect.
So overall, same boards, but the wheelbase is the difference
I change my deck every 2-4 weeks…
I use to ride Indy’s…but now i ride ACE trucks, size 44 for street, bowl and vert. I have not looked back since. ACE are really good. Ace Trucks rules. I reuse my old truck bushings, and i ride my trucks semi loose.
I use to ride Type-S since a long time, but now i Ride Altawheels and they are FARKEN Good. Fast & sounds wonderful. Wider ridning surface !! I ride 58-60mm for vert. 56-58 mm for bowl and i ride 52-56 mm for street. I love new wheels.
Swiss bearings ceramics or modus bearings, closed… but i wanna try and open them. I want my bearings as fast as possible. i use WD40 once in awhile to clean them up….
Sidewalk bolts, yellow bolts, boom.
MOP grip, as MOB is grippy’er
Kring, with footage from around 2008.