Lodge Guest, Morten Ruderstaller
Name: Morten Ruderstaller
Current: Job / school: Carpenter student
Where are you from? Danmark/Austria
Where do you currently live? Frederiksberg, Copenhagen
Family status: Mom and Sister
Age: 24
Years of skateboarding: 13
Board size: 9’’
Wheel size: 60mm
Trucks: 159
I change set up every: when ever i feel for it
Please state your type of terrain on your board in %
Street: 2%
(Skatepark) Flow Street 14%
Miniramp: 27,6%
Vert: 27,6%
Bowl: 27,6
Freestyle: 1%
Your daily DAY by the hours, (or tell us about your longest day the last weeks)
05.00 Struggle with life to get out of bed
06.00 Had my morning coffee and on the way to work
07.00 Work
08.00 Work
09.00 Break (listen to some +18 converstaion)
10.00 work
11.00 work
12.00 Lunch and more +18 stuff
13.00 work
14.00 Work
15.00 At the park chilling after work
16.00 Session on fire
17.00 Session still on
18.00 still shredding
19.00 Chill get ready to go home
20.00 Dinner, youtube, music, what ever.
21.00 youtube
22.00 youtube
23.00 just one more video…
24.00 Sleep
02.00 wake up get water
03.00 sleep again
How are you doing at the moment?
Doing all right i guess. haha
How is your body at the moment , (injuries, knees, and so so ) ?
My body is fine. beside i burned the shit out of my hand. Cause i am an idiot and don’t know how to cook. Lets just leave it there. haha
Please comment your feelings about Skateboarding in the
80s RAD
90s Love it
2000 even better
2010+ to much bottle flipping
When I chill, I chill with, My IRON BUDDS!
I’m have been on a mission lately in (with) my self
Dream session would be, where ever with all my friends
Lately I have been working on, IRON
When I was little I would like to, be 16 years old
When im home I like to, Drink coffee and do nothing
I normally call my homies for, Sessions or Beer
Your homies are, All the Iron guys and every one who wants to be my friend
I enjoy going to, copenhagen skatepark
Favorite drink is, everything with alcohol
Favorite food is, quality food! organic and healthy
Favorite drug, my skateboard
Favorite music, all that is heavy and fast
Favorite film, Spongebob Squarepants is always a winner
Favorite skateboarders, Lukas Olsen and Frederik Høpfner!
Favorite skate film, switch mongo!
Favorite skatepark, Fælledparken
Favorite spot, unknown
When I cook, I cook, SHIT
To go to resturant is, can’t afford stuff like that
To go to trick is, switch blunt
To go to trick when you are farked is, Fs slash
To go to trick when you are winning is, Noseblunt!
TOP 3 Cities, Copenhagen, Berlin, Malmø
When I travel, I always bring, Toothbrush and a fresh set of underwear
Best travel advice I can give is, Don’t give a fuck about money
Best life advise I can give is, be yourself
Best travel memory you want to share? hahah when mikkel got in handcuffs in Hamburg, cause he tried to help a other friend out of having no train ticked and for public drinking at the station. I was all ready out of the station and then marcus vik came running out from there. Saying we had to go NOW! Then I had to go down and look what was going on. Then i Saw Mikkel with the Cuffs and his shirt over his head being super pissed. haha It ended with they got a fine and mikkel got releasd again.
When I do not skateboard I, lift weights with gustav
My fitness program is, ask gustav he has our work out program haha
When I get old I want to, smoke weed
I would NEVER, Hurt an animal
Where do you stand & please comment with skateboarding in the olympics ? Don’t really care
That one time where I was in jail because of, you sure, you wanna know?
I should do more of, streching!
My future looks like, a mystery
I dream of, a mid vert in my backyard
The book I currently read is, I am Ozzy
The best travel I have been on, Berlin 2012
On Netflix / youtube I watch, funny dog videos
Everybody should own a, Beer once in there life
I will never get rid of, my CD collection
I would love to be in a movie with, Leslie Nielsen
Any regrets in life so far ? fuck regrets.
I currently follow (social media, instagram twitter, Facebook)
Facebook, Instagram, youtube
Anything else,
Guess you guys have seen i have a Tattoo addiction. Have always been a fan of tattoos since i was a little kid. Started to get tattooed a week after i turned 18. Now i am 24 and have no count on how many tattoos i have. The biggest Tattoo i have is on my front (chest and stomach). Its an image of Baphomet. And The smallest i have is in my ear, a spade (tribute for Motörhead) I had one infection, that was on my leg. Were me and a friend made a stick and poke tattoo. No hygiene or what so ever.We just spit on the table to make it ‘’abit’’ clean. Then we slapt a netto bag on the table so we won’t mess up the table with ink.