Lodge Guest, Jon Harald Aspheim (JHA)

Jon Harald Aspheim (JHA)

Jon Harald Aspheim (JHA)

Name: Jon Harald Aspheim (JHA)

Current: Job / school: Museum guide and paper delivery

Where are you from? Ulefoss, Telemark, Norway

Where do you currently live? Same place

Family status: Engaged

Age: 27

Sponsors: Gullwing trucks

Years of skateboarding: 13

Board size: 10’

Wheel size: 60mm

Trucks: Gullwings

I change set up every: 3 months

Current Board trend: Madrid fly paper grip is the best

 Please state your type of terrain on your board in %

I don’t consider myself a certain kind of skater, and I think these labels are a big problem in skateboarding today. Kids say: ‘I don’t want to drop the Vert because I’m a street skater’ LIMITS SUCKS!

Your daily DAY by the hours, (or tell us about your longest day the last weeks)




08.00 woke up

09.00 breakfast, read the papers

10.00 went to the museum

11.00 small lunch

12.00 guided a group of tourists




16.00 went home

17.00 dinner with my girl


19.00 skateboarding


21.00 went home

22.00 went to bed




02.00 woke up

03.00 delivered the papers

04.00 back to bed



Sweeper at the Eurocana reunion in Sweden last month. Photo Patric Backlund

How are you doing at the moment?

Gleaming the cube

When I chill, I chill with,

My girl

I’m have been on a mission lately in (with) my friend Memo. We are bulding a indoor Vert Ramp! Old school size

Dream session is, my own backyard ramp

Lately I have been working on, this ramp. Getting donations to buy materials

When I was little I would like to, dig up dinosaurs

When im home I like to, lay on the couch

I normally call my homies for, skate sessions and ramp building

Your homies are, whomever who’s not a self-centered piece of shit

I enjoy going to, the movies. Comedy and sci-fi

Favorite drink is, Urge intense (discontinued) FUCK YOU COCA-COLA NORWAY!

Favorite food is, raw fish and rice

Favorite drug, FUCK DRUGS!I I’ve been straight egde ever since I got into punk rock and skateboarding.

Favorite music, if it was recorded in the 80’s chances are I like it

Favorite film, the old Japanese Godzilla movies are hilarious (and really cool!)


Favorite skate film, FULL POWER TRIP by Gullwing trucks

Favorite skatepark, #hollaramp. It’s not the best but I made it happen and have spent so much time there that it will forever be the Arcadia of my youth.

Favorite spot, where the session is at

Favorite woman / men (blond, fat, thin, big, small) My girl. She’s the best!

When I cook, I cook, frozen pizza

To go to resturant is, not McDonalds

To go to trick is, rock n roll

To go to trick when you are farked is, 50-50

To go to trick when you are winning is, fastplant

TOP 3 Cities, Malmö x 3

When I travel, I always bring, a towel

Best travel advice I can give is, health and travel insurance

Best travel memory you want to share?

California in December 2009 was fun

When I do not skateboard I, work

My fitness program is, karate

When I get old I want to, live in a spooky mansion

I would like to see more of, label-less skateboarding

That one time where I was in jail because of, never, but I did get expelled from school once..

I should do more of, vertical skateboarding

My future looks like, a piece of gold but I swear as we get closer it looks more like a lump of coal.

I dream of, a endless summer

The book I currently read is, history of the world part II

The best travel I have been on, it still lays ahead

The worst travel(s) I have been on was, to the center of the earth

On Netflix I watch, sci-fi, fantasy and history

If I could change the world I would, end racism

Everybody should own a, library card

The hobby I have, no one knows about is, Godzilla sofubi collection (Japanese designer toys)

I will never get rid of, my love letters

I would love to be in a movie with, GOJIRA!!!!!!

I currently follow (social media, instagram twitter, Facebook)

Henery Jones and Garamon22

Life advise so far ? SKT HRD 4 FUN

Anything else, laugh out loud



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1 Response

  1. Deandra says:

    We’ve ariervd at the end of the line and I have what I need!

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