Lodge Guest, Jeff Mogensen

Fs air, photo: Marcus Skriver
What is your name ?
Jeff Mogensen
Where do you live and where are you from ?
Vejen, southern Jutland, Vejen, Southern Jutland
Why skateboarding ? How did it start for you ?
My parents gave me a ps1 with Tony Hawks Pro skater for my 5th birthday, and then i got a shitty board a year or so later. With no skatepark around, I skated mostly with my cousin in my garage
What size set up, wheels & trucks do you currently ride ?
8,25 Kims kiosk, 144 thunders, 52 mm spitfire formula 4
Any sponsors ?
School, work, not working or other occupation ?
Royal life guard

Tell us how a good long weekend is looking for you
Session with the boysss, good food, good sleep, no injuries

Andrecht, Photo:, Marcus Skriver
How was your year 2017 ?
Great! Been working nights at a pillow factory$$$, skated a lot too
So how was your first 2 weeks of 2018 ? living healthy already ?
Always healthy
What are your plans for 2018 ?
Well at the moment I also work at Billeshave efterskole, and we are heading to Sweden in february for the yearly Ski/snowboard tour. Later in February, I’ll go visit some homies overseas in Phoenix, Arizona. Session alllll day. In April, I’ll move to Copenhagen to be a Royal life guard for 8 months
Any new projects or missions 2018 you got going on you wanna talk about ?
12 days in the US with some of my closest homies
Do you read books ? if so, what do you read ?
Naaah mostly audio books. Biographys mostly
Who are you hanging out with at the moment ?
My playstation controller, Kadetten, Ordon and the Århus slæng
Who and what is your motivation at the moment ?
To have fun, enjoy life and don’t die
What else is going on ?
I play alot of fifa hahah. Add me on psn if you want a match @jeffmogensen
What do you do besides skateboarding, hoboes, other interests ?
I work out a lot, playstation fifa 18, sometimes i cook, but its difficult because I don’t have en oven 🙂
What is your to go to resturant ?
I love sushi
When you cook food, what do you cook ?
Eggs, danish meat patties
Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ?
3. strawberry/banana smoothie 2. coke 1. long island afsted
How do you see the future of skateboarding ?
Well the future of skateboarding is unpredictable until til sommer olympics 2020 i over. But I think the future is bright. More skateparks everywhere
Do you you have other hobbys besides skateboarding ?
Fifa, workout, hangout, sleep and chill
Who do we need to interview on the lodge ?
Oliver Ordon hahaha

New year is here, how do you celebrate new years eve ?
Drinks, friends, more drinks
Tell us a slippery story.
When I was 14, I tried a trick down the Microsoft gap in Hellerup and I used 80 tries before the make. Was sore for 2 weeks …
Last words ?
Jesus will save you