Lodge Guest, Daniel Beck
Name:Daniel Beck
Current: Job / school: Skateboarder
Where are you from? Walldorf/Frankfurt
Where do you currently live? Echzell Wetterau
Family status: divorced single dad of three Kids 13, 15 and 17 years old
Age: 43
Sponsors: Urban Supplies, Light corp
Years of skateboarding: 33 Years
Board size: 8,5“
Wheel size: 56 mm
Trucks: Independent
I change set up every: 6 – 8 weeks
Current Board trend: I have a pointed nose and kind of square tail but looking forward to ride a popsicle again
Please state your type of terrain on your board in %
Street: 15 %
(Skatepark) Flow Street 30%
Miniramp: 15 %
Long board: 3 %
Vert: 2 % its sad but true used to be 85 %
Bowl: 35 %
Freestyle: 0 %
Your daily DAY by the hours, (or tell us about your longest day the last weeks)
Typical Saturday…
07.00 Sleep
08.00 Get up – crank up some tunes try to not spend much time on blue and white – hop in the bathtub – eat some whole food – pack tons of skateboards and pads in the van
09.00 Get in the van drive it downtown heading to the skatepark
10.00 Greet all mums and start skate school lessons
11.00 skate and have fun with kids in all ages
12.00 skate
13.00 stop working
14.00 ride the skateboard downtown and go eat at the thai restaurant
15.00 Hook up with friends and convince them to join a skate session
16.00 skate
17.00 skate
18.00 skate
19.00 skate and drink some cider / Apfelwein….. get loose of the stinky clothes/ pads and jump in some regular apparel
20.00 ride the bike to some outdoor bar,club, gathering
21.00 drink and talk shit, meet random people chat and share vibes
22.00 ride the bike to an outdoor club, mostly diy gettho house clubs with hot chix many friends and lots of booze
23.00 party
24.00 try to not disappoint the chix while dancing
01.00 hit up another location
02.00 end up in a punk rock bar
03.00 order the last drink the Scheidebecher
04.00…try to get to bed tomorrow is sunday and I have to be skating at 10 o´clock
05.00 sleep or get laid
How are you doing at the moment?
Feeling great ..summer is hot in the city, money is a bitch but I feel confident and happy. Got a very good relationship with my three big kids and look back to an awesome somer break with them. My dog just died, but I got to meet a new friend and got back together with my girl. Feeling good all in all.
How is your body at the moment , (injuries, knees, and so so ) ?
Fucked up my knee at the first vert session after I came back from Cali totally amped . the fucking knee feels weak and hurts when falling on it. It sux but I give it time to heal and skate smaller stuff or short vert sessions.
Please comment on Skateboarding in the
80s Was colorful and the escape and entrance in a world full of punk, weirdos and so much fun and determination to learn and get on the road to fulfill the dream. My shoes had holes so I had to avoid puddles
90s Loved to wear stupid oversized clothes and escape the rave scene while skateboarding on small wheels..finally got some big sponsors and been skating every fucking vert contest I could make it to. My amount of shoes got a nightmare and I had the problem of how to get rid of them
2000 Got more and more good on my board and loved that the variety and diversity came back to skating and everybody wasn’t forced to do certain tricks. Realized that skateboarding is still and will be my number one passion. Shoes and clothes still came in boxes which smelled new and bright
2010+ Skating got personal again, paying the costs of skating with my body and money to travel.
Shoes and pants got holes …super rad feeling to take it full circle and being proud to still skate and destroy…finally giving Beck what I archived from the wooden vehicle and run a skate school
When I chill, I chill with,
My Kids Lea , Jara and Robin or Bernd when I´m at home.
When downtown, with my girl Kathrin, Jule, Punk, Keks, Ypsilon, Pat, Lena, Phillip
I’m been on a mission lately in (with)
Went to the states on my own. Started in the bathtub thinking :Why should I go surfing Portugal again when I just came back from Malmö and had blast discovering I still can skate Vert and get back on the track I ve been for decades. I can still surf when I´m in my sixtys. So I got out the hot water took my skateboard and skated to the office and ordered a Passport .
Did not know where I m heading and what will happen over there. The goal was skating Halfpipes , I can skate those wooden U´s 100 times better than Bowls and Pools. It´s my first love and so my mission was to find good vert ramps skate them and avoid concrete skateparks.
I got to skate the combi contest and Tony´s ramp. Those two opportunities just made me scream FUCK YEAH and I skated every day , surfed a lot and met new people , awesome shredders and friends which I haven’t seen since my daughter Lea was born 17 years ago. I had a blast on my own and found what I was looking for: Rad vert sessions, killer pool times at the combi, super mind-blowing friendships and camaraderie . Cried some tears of joy!
Dream session is,
To skate a vertical mid size ramp with all the Euro Vert Warriors: Keller, Punk, Sascha, Jürgen, Anders, Ingo, Bob, Broich, Madsen, Kring, Anderson, Giorgio, Jocke, Jörn, Bernd, Rune,Oli, Dave Allen, Nicky, Macki, Pontus, Kasper
Internationally on the deck with me should be : Renton, Staab, Darren,Jimmy, Sam, Josh R, Trey, Max Schaaf, Big and small Miller, Pinero, Vargas, Ueda, Lester, Kiko, Perelson, Josh B., Gregg Witt, Max Jenson, Shea, Russel, Dias, Salba, Nghoho
Reality Dream Session would be the whole VERT Attack Posse at Tonys or another perfect Vert Ramp which is big and not slippery
Biggest dream to skate vert with Beule again someday!
Lately I have been working on,
Frontal Inverts, Ollies on street, still can do them pretty good but often need to have confidence.
When I was little I would like to,
Get picked up by the Bones Brigade and go on road trip
When im home I like to,
Read, listen to loud music, cook, work with my bees, watch Tour de France and sleep in until the last half an hour before the finish
I normally call my homies for,
skateboarding, go out and drink, check out art exhibitions, go to gigs, plan trips
Your homies are,
Punk und Lena, Conrado, Rüdi, Jule, Anders, Jerome, Lars und Jana,Ypsilon, Isa, Keks, Jeremy, Ernie, Phillip, Julia, Bernd, Stefan L , Körners, Katja Hansen und Alex, Wolfgang, Martin Broich, Dag, Lutz, Maxi and Hocke, Vadder, Toe, Jan
I enjoy going to,
Stroll with my bike, explore my or new cities.
Favorite drink is,
La Chouffe or Duvel.. Apfelwein ,Earl Grey in the morning
Favorite food is,
Thai or Indian , traditional german food.
Favorite drug,
Sick ass Maroc,
Favorite music,
Top three would be Misfits, Pink Floyd, The Orb
Favorite film,
Favorite skateboarders,
Miller, Hewitt, Sandro, Rune, Chris Russel, Poynter, Zeuner
Favorite skate film,
Skateboard Madness
Favorite skatepark,
Hawks, any vert Ramp with more vert than my wheelbase and skatelite, Small Skateparks like Sibbarp or the small Stappelbads Parken, Poods Park in Encinitas to bust out my street steez
Favorite spot,
Unna Vert Ramp and old bowled mini Ramp, Bryggeriet, The Combi and Tonys most perfect VertRamp…Oh no Giorgios!!!!!!
Favorite woman / men (blond, fat, thin, big, small)
I like a hot smart girl with lots of clever and intelligent humor,my girlfriend Kathrin.
When I cook, I cook,
I cook daily for my kids and myself. I like my cabbage with lamb and rice. No mystery meat and cheap foods..the goal ist to eat healthy and awesome not cheap and dirty.
To go to resturant is,
mandatory. Living in Rhein Main Area is rad …so many good places.
To go to trick is,
Bs Air after that its on and easy.
To go to trick when you are farked is,
Frontstide Air
To go to trick when you are winning is,
I m the long run guy not the kick flip indy once in a month dude.I did not win so often but stoked myself uncountable times when shredding long lines. For me I´m winning If I do tailgrab couples means after a frontside a backside tailgrab
TOP 3 Cities,
Copenhagen, Namur, Basel, aaaaand Schwarzenbach
When I travel, I always bring,
My bike, my van and roof tent, my skate and surf board if not fucking land bound .
Best travel advice I can give is,
Stroll , dont book in advance, be open to the natives, avoid tourist attractions , don’t smoke crocodile
Best travel memory you want to share?
Went on a road trip to Belgium. Everybody put money in a purse that we put in the glove shelf of the van. Met a random guy who let us all 13 guys and girls stay at his house. Skated the radest parks always bought cases of beer for the locals and just skated and got from one sick spot to the next. Kortryke , Brussels,Oostende , Namur, Mechelen….Belgium rules and that trip with such a big crew an purse was incredible rad and cheap. Unforgettable . 60 Euros p. P. and 5 days full of radness!
When I do not skateboard I,
Take care of my bees, my garden, go exploring the city or just lay in my bathtub.
My fitness program is,
I do Brasilian Jiu Jitsu and road biking.
When I get old I want to,
live close to the ocean and see it from a window of my flat or house..take my skate skills to the water and carve and shred the liquid trannys
I would like to see more of,
the Hippies that I missed cause I was born to late.
That one time where I was in jail because of,
riding my skateboard underneath a police water thrower , when I popped up on the other side of the giant vehicle I got beat down and thrown in jail for the night. It was a demonstration against the opening hours of clubs in Frankfurt so it was all music dancing on the streets and having beers, so I had the rad idea , I just came back from a surf trip , to kind of paddle underneath the huge truck and act like I´m surfing and getting up on my board on the other side. Coppers didn´t think it was funny at all.
I should do more of,
skating Halfpipes and go to bed early to shred more .
My future looks like,
my past. Skateboarding, sharing fun with nice people and spastic idiots likewise.
I dream of,
living in a kind of commune and travel a lot with my surf and skateboard and bike.
Want to visti India and OZ
The book I currently read is,
Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969 a historic novel about a group of anarchists in Germany back in the70´s
The best travel I have been on,
California 2016 on my own with my skateboard. No Sodas no Cheese, no sweets no fries no grease at all. Coors Light and Belgium Beers along side with rad humans like Kevin Staab and Jess, Gregg Whitt, Darren Navarette and the joy of being on my own and skate surf whenever and wherever I want.
On Netflix I watch,
I dont watch series
If I could change the world I would,
exclude the economy of the politics and get the people to interact more in democracy
Everybody should own a,
instrument, a bong, a guestfree house, a sense of humor and a big will to love
The hobby I have, no one knows about is,
Cleaning my ears with QTipps daily. or more than once a day
I will never get rid of,
talking shit…weird shit on some days.
I would love to be in a movie with,
the Hang Over Cast
I currently follow (social media, instagram twitter, Facebook)
Vert Attack at FB, any Skate Bowl Vert and Street Live Streams, Surf Events and everybody who is not posting anything what is NEWS or soccer related.
Life advise so far ?
Loving is not a feeling it´s an action. So If you want to love one another like yourself , don’t cheat yourself or get mad ,its impossible to even like everybody crossing your path. Show love through your actions and that is possible even when the person is a wanker. Don’t count on feelings.
Anything else,
Skateboarding is the ultimate drug and vert skating on halfpipe ramps the best for me. Please stay on your board and eat and live healthy I want to see you shredding at least for the next 25 years. Don’t forget to do your homework and exercise some way. Its not easy being easy it´s not easy being nice.