Lodge Guest, Diego Henrique Fiorese
Name: Diego Henrique Fiorese
Current: Job / school: No Job, Bachelor degree Physical Education and Skateboard.
Where are you from? Várzea Paulista, São Paulo – Brazil.
Where do you currently live? I live between Copenhagen and São Paulo.
Family status: Happy with my girlfriend.
Age: 29.
Sponsors: Alis, Save, Connexion.
Years of skateboarding: 18 years.
Board size: 8”
Wheel size: 52”
Trucks: 139”
I change set up every: I only change set up when my skateboard it’s all destroyed.
Current Board trend: Griptape art.
Please state your type of terrain on your board in %
Street: 40%
(Skatepark) Flow Street: 20%
Miniramp: 16%
Long board: 1%
Vert: 2%
Bowl: 20%
Freestyle: 1%
Your daily DAY by the hours, (or tell us about your longest day the last weeks)
06.00 zZzZz
07.00 zZzZz
08.00 – Make a delicious breakfast for my girl.
09.00 – She goes to work and I’m answering this interview.
10.00 – …
11.00 – Make my favorite Smoothie with fresh fruits.
12.00 – Go out to enjoy Cph in a sunny day.
13.00 – Hullet.
14.00 – Skate.
15.00 – Island Brygge for a swimm.
16.00 – Still swimming with Gerald and Bjorn.
17.00 – Meet my pretty girl for a Ice Cream.
18.00 – Parken Life.
19.00 – Skate
20.00 – Skate.
21.00 – Back home to make food.
22.00 – No party today.
23.00 – Narcos s.02, e.04.
24.00 – zZzZ
How are you doing at the moment?
I’m great, fresh, thank you.
How is your body at the moment , (injuries, knees, and so so ) ?
Nothing it’s hurting at the moment.
Please comment your feelings about Skateboarding in the
80s I wish I was skating there.
90s I started skating 1998.
2000 Big evolution on skateboard in general.
2010+ A lot of kids forget to have fun skating.
When I chill, I chill with,
Painting stones from the summer house.
I’m have been on a mission lately in (with)
Percy Films filming a documentary about my project in Brasil and with Bejamin and all the Alis Crew filming the new Alis video.
Dream session would be,
Dream session would be in my backyard with my bowl and all my elephants friends making bbq and getting drunk.
Lately I have been working on,
I’m working on my project in Brazil. Skate Feliz + FelizParken Skate Park. This project it’s inspired on FælledParken, Afuk, Bryggeriet, Social Skate, Skatistan and others. I’m creating a project that’s gonna inspire kids to have a better future in Brazil, I want to show to them that they can do better, they can have a different lifestyle, it’s not gonna be only skateboard, we ll have art, cooking, music, english and other classes. We ll also work learning about food waste and environment, green and organic vegetables and fruits. We ll grow or own food in this place. And I want this kids to stop playing with guns and start skateboard.
When I was little I would like to,
Get off the school and play in the streets with Pipas (kites).
When im home I like to,
Sit in the garden to Paint and listen the sounds around me or play with the habbit.
I normally call my homies for,
Skate, Swim, Drink, Fun.
Your homies are,
Gerald, Bjorn, Zummi, Martin, Danni’s O and C, Theis, Sammy, Andrew, Johnny, Viggo, Keiff, Mario, Black, Jesel, Matias, Albert, Emiliano and many others.
I enjoy going to,
The summer house with my girlfriend family.
Favorite drink is,
Favorite food is,
It is Burgers.
Favorite music,
Tommy Guerrero – It Gets Heavy.
Favorite film,
Ice Age 1,2,3,4,5,6…
Favorite skateboarders,
Andrew Reynolds, Pedro Barros, GT and some of my friends that’s killing the session all the time.
Favorite skate film,
411 vm, miss the VHS and the VX.
Favorite skatepark,
FælledParken Skate Park, Copenhagen
Favorite spot,
Favorite woman / men (blond, fat, thin, big, small)
My pretinha, blond, small and sexy.
When I cook, I cook,
Good Rice with vegetables.
To go to resturant is,
Pleasure and a lovely state of mind.
To go to trick is,
Focus and pop.
To go to trick when you are farked is,
I don’t know what Farked is, but I always go to the limit of my body when I’m trying something.
To go to trick when you are winning is,
Pop that board really good.
TOP 3 Cities,
Copenhagen, Cappadocia, São Paulo (Várzea Paulista).
When I travel, I always bring,
My skateboard. And some stones back home.
Best travel advice I can give is,
SMILE when you wake up. Don’t make plan for your day, get lost, find new spots and talk with different people, they have nice histories to tell. Don’t forget to respect the others culture and don’t be a turista, be local everywhere you go.
Best life advise I can give is,
Feel free to do whatever you want to do, no one can tell you what you need to do.
Best travel memory you want to share?
A boat tour in Antalya – Turkey with my girlfriend, we went to swim under the caves, we ate fresh fish on the boat, we met some new friends that bring us to the summer house and we spent some of the best days in Turkey with this friends.
When I do not skateboard I,
I paint all kind of things to meditation and relax.
My fitness program is,
Run, push hard to get speed, jump the stairs, don’t land the trick, do it again.
When I get old I want to,
Have a backyard with a pool, my kid and my friends skating on it, and my girl taking sun and drinking caipirinhas.
I would NEVER,
Where do you stand & please comment with skateboarding in the olympics ?
Skateboard in the Olympics, doesn’t matter for me as a skater, Nyjah or some other kids it’s gonna win gold medal. But looking as a Professor, it’s gonna help in my project in Brazil with the kids, so it’s gonna be good because I have that as a excuse to make a new skatepark (skate school) in my city, and now the government can’t tell anything, It’s a olympic sport and they need to invest money on it.
I would like to see more of,
Real skateboard!!! Stop posting all your shit hard tricks all the time. HAVE FUN with your friends.
That one time where I was in jail because of,
I went to jail for two hours in Tallin – Estonia, because of baking in the hotel room. The boss of the police let us free after make us sign a paper saying, “sorry, I smoke weed”. Next day he was watching us at Simple Session with his kids.
I should do more of,
I should fight more for my Italian passport so I can live in DK and not leave after 3 months every time.
My future looks like,
A happy man with a project in Brazil for the kids, my Italian passport, my backyard pool, and some money to live and not to survive.
I dream of,
Getting a new skatepark in the city where I come from!
The book I currently read is,
Adultery (sometimes you have to lose yourself to discover who you are) – Paulo Coelho ( Brazilian writer, translated from Portuguese to English by Margaret Jull and Zoe Perry).
The best travel I have been on,
2008 when I first saw Copenhagen and changed my life.
On Netflix / youtube I watch,
Narcos on Netflix. I stopped watching Thrasher on youtube.
If I could change the world I would,
I’m Working to make Skate Feliz happen and save some more Diego’s out of favelas.
Everybody should own a,
Skateboard, if you don’t have money some other skaters ll give you beers and have fun with you the same as if you have.
The hobby I have, no one knows about is,
Get lost in Cph where no one can find me.
I will never get rid of,
My old closet full of stickers.
I would love to be in a movie with,
Angelina Jolie, so I could kiss her big lips. hahahaha
Any regrets in life so far ?
Not really, I just wanted to have more support to keep skating.
I currently follow (social media, instagram twitter, Facebook)
My friends, skateboard and some creative people.
Anything else,
Keep yourself strong in your mind, in your body, in your heart and in your soul.
Random storys you wanna share ?
Some sundays ago, 6 guys stole a car in front of my house in the middle of the day. They took a man out of his car, kicked him on the floor, left him destroyed on the floor and took his car. Me and my girlfriend was watching all because I was going out to skate. Brian’s!!!
Thank you sir, have a great day.
Don’t forget to SMILE =] .