Lodge Guest, Villads Larsen

No Comply (Photo: Morten Westh)

Frontside five-o somewhere in Jylland or Fyn (Photo: Morten Westh)
Name: Villads Larsen
Current: Job / school: Working at Streetmachine
Where are you from? Vanløse 2720, Copenhagen
Where do you currently live? Amager 2300, Copenhagen
Family status: Me and my lady
Age: 21
Sponsors: Streetmachine, Stance, Levi’s. Vibing for COPSON
Years of skateboarding: 11
Board size: 8.25”
Wheel size: 53mm
Trucks: 149’ers
I change set up every: whenever something breaks
Current Board trend: PassPort boards
Please state your type of terrain on your board in %
Street: 60%
(Skatepark) Flow Street: 40%
Miniramp: 30%
Long board: 100 %
Vert: 5%
Bowl: 10%
Freestyle: 5%
Your daily DAY by the hours, (or tell us about your longest day the last weeks)
08.00 – Wake up
09.00 – Coffee
10.00 – Work
16.00 – More coffee
18.00 – Off from work
20.00 – Go skate/hang out with the boys,or the lady
23.00 – sleep
How are you doing at the moment?
Really good. 2016 has treated me really good,a lot of positive changes all over. Skating again, so I’m stoked
When I chill, I chill with, STM crew, Morten W, Arder, Lynge Duus, BK, Skrøder, Fredd all the boys.
I’m have been on a mission lately in (with)
Getting back on the board, safe. 7 months after ACL/knee surgery takes time 🙂
Dream session is,
Friday evening. Jarmers. Cold ones. All the boys.
Lately I have been working on,
Getting motivated for skating again, and courage.
When I was little I would like to,
Climb trees.
When im home I like to,
Mess around with records and turntables.
I normally call my homies for,
Beers, dinner, session.
Your homies are, MW, TL, JD, RP, AA, BK, JS, FA, PS, MH, NE, TG, HP, VC, FD, All the boys.
I enjoy going to, nice restaurants with my girlfriend.
Favorite drink is, water and coffee
Favorite food is, italian cuisine
Favorite drug, nicotine.
Favorite music, all sorts. Pretty hyped on 70s/80s stuff at the moment. Talking Heads, Lars HUG, Orange Juice,The Smiths, Stone Roses, GOAT, Ebo Taylor. And a lot of Disco/Boogie stuff aswell. For the weekend.
Favorite film, Wes Anderson; Life aquatic with Steve Zissou.
Favorite skateboarders, Heath, Andrew Allen, Danny Garcia, BA, Brad Cromer, Gilbert Crockett
Favorite skate film, Mind Field
Favorite skatepark, Parken.
Favorite spot, JARMERS
Favorite woman / men (blond, fat, thin, big, small) My beautiful girlfriend Alberte.
When I cook, I cook, Easy, good stuff.
To go to resturant is, maybe Condesa? Wanna try a lot of restaurants like Osteria, Spaghetteria, that new Ramen place, Väkst. But eating out is expansive.
To go to trick is, 360 flip. See which day it is, haha
To go to trick when you are farked is, Take a really hard slam. Gets your body warmed up.
To go to trick when you are winning is, Impossible.
TOP 3 Cities, CPH, LDN, AMS
When I travel, I always bring, Books
Best travel advice I can give is, don’t go to the states, you know how it all looks anyways.
Best travel memory you want to share? I was in Rio de Janiero this January with my dad. Such an amazing city. Beautiful beaches, and such a rich music culture. Everywhere, on all bars you could hear samba or bossa nova, every night.
When I do not skateboard I,
Buy records, listen to records, talk about records haha. Work, hang with A, drink beers and smoke cigarettes, coffee etc.
My fitness program is, leg day everyday. It’s hard to get motivated to work out, but I try to build up some muscle and strength in my left leg, after I had my ACL partially removed early september last year.
When I get old I want to, be happy.
I would like to see more of, smiles.
That one time where I was in jail because of, never. I got my first train-fine a month ago, haha. I’m an angel
I should do more of, skating, workout. Less smoking
My future looks like, might go back to school again.
I dream of, becoming T Bone Burnett
The book I currently read is, The Spy Who Came In From The Cold by John Le Carré
The best travel I have been on, every single one is unique.
On Netflix I watch, I’m hyped on HBO. The Wire is a classic, plus Game of Thrones is so dope.
If I could change the world I would, illigalize guns
Everybody should own a, bike.
The hobby I have, no one knows about is, Tumblr.
I will never get rid of, my records.
I would love to be in a movie with, Steve Buscemi. He is a favorite of mine.
I currently follow (social media, instagram twitter, Facebook)
Just all the boys.
Life advise so far ?
Something about smiling at the world, and it will smile back at you.
Anything else,
Thank you sir!
Thanks to Villas for supporting the lodge !

Frontside Lipslide (Photo: Morten Westh)
Thanks Villas for supporting the lodge and thanks Morten Westh for the photos.