Lodger Thomas Nielsen

Name: Thomas Nielsen

Current: job / school: Owner at TheBossShop skateshop

Where are you from? Aalborg, Denmark

Where do you currently live? 9000 Aalborg

Kids / family status: live with my girlfriend, we have no kids.

Age: 27 – time flies

Sponsors: TheBossShop, MOT_R skateboards, Emerica, Thunder, Spitfire.

Board size: 8,00”

Wheel size: 52mm

Trucks: Thunder 147 high

I change set up every: When it is fucked, a month maybe?

Thomas wallie - Foto michael nielsen

Thomas wallie – Foto michael nielsen


When I chill, I chill with.

My brothers, homies and girlfriend.

I have been on a mission lately in ( with)

My two brothers, Michael and Søren. Our skateboarding is a constant mission. Last mission was around Denmark for finishing our video“ÅRET”.



Lately i have been working on

Finishing my “Året” video part and MOT_R part. Now 2016, new year – new projects!!



When I was little I would like to…

Be in a “Code Red” .. haha and after that it was to make a living out of skateboarding.

When im home I like to.

Hang out with my girlfriend, work online, edit videoes..I am a skatenerd… I watch skate updates every day at home, getting new ideas and inspiration.

normaly call my homies for.

A session or a beer.

Your homies are

All the Aalborg locals, My brothers Søren and Michael, Red, Pete,Sigi, Frelle, Dummi, Theiss, Pauli, Trollerne (Sand twins) and so on..

I enjoy to go to

travel around Europe

Favorite drink is

Cold Beer

Favorite food is

Moms food

When I cook , I cook

I like to start up the grill when the weather is nice.

I listen to

Sabbath, Old Guns N Roses, Motorhead, Johnny Cash, Doors, John Mogensen…

To go to resturant is

Buffet.. haha

Favorit skateboarders

There is a lot I got inspired from the past 17 years. To name a few: Kristian Bomholt, Carsten Rask, Jamie Thomas, Greco, Reynolds, Ave, Gilbert Crockett, and so on..

Favorite skatepark

Lunden diy spot

Favorit spot

Aalborglona and granit curben

TOP 3 citys

Barcelona, Copenhagen, Aalborg


FAT frontside wallride

When I do not skateboard I.

I work a lot, Walking and driving around searching for new spots.Filming and editing skateboarding.

My fitness program is

Running and using my bike to work.

When I get old I want to

Frontside grinds and 3 flips

I would like to see more of

Danish video parts!!

That one time where I was in jail because of

Never been to.

I should do more of

Skating pools and tranny..

My future looks like

Hopefully lots of skateboarding like the past 17 years.

I dream of

Happy family and being able to skate as long as possible.

The book I currently read is


I currently follow ( sociale media)

I follow a lot? 

Anything else & thanks 

Danish skateboarding, My brothers and parents, Henrik Edelbo, Bommi, Pauli , Røde,  All my friends and family, Everyone who supports our shop, projects and watch our videoes.

Thank you Shredders Lodge for bringing something new to DK skateboarding, keep it coming!

Foto credits: Michael Jacobi & Michael Nielsen


Båndsalat video part. 



Thanks Thomas for Supporting the lodge  !! 


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