Sidewalk daily mega dose day 3
Sidewalk have been sending us updates, pictures and film clips daily from California We love it and so do you. Please check it here, they are currently checking out BOB’s mountain of youth.
Robert want to do this. Maybe he has already done the jump ?
Mega ramp of youth. Mountain of youth. Taking skateboarding to other level.
Team Sidewalk here in front of brother Sidewalk liquor store. Look like a box of fun right there.
PRAY…..or call your mother and say CIAO.
Yep. this is a skateboard ramp you skateboard board on and NOT a arty house.
Landing ramp
Professional sweepers from Copenhagen Denmark. Parken life crew got THIS !!! dont you worry…this is NOTHING. Teamwork.
This is vertical candy. Lincoln kills it. Mother farker BS air in the sky. Copenhagen needs a concrete vert bowl, and a indoor vert. And vert bowl. and a mega ramp. and a mini mega. and a mid vert. and some more tranny stuff…
Lincoln kills it …he is also a lodger for sure !!
Thanks Rasmus & Robert for the pictures and filming.
Dopeness & credits : Rasmus Bønnelykke & Roberts sis.
When skateboarding, occasionally it’s relaxing to ignore all those challenging tricks and merely roll with high speed. Figure out how to deal with your skateboard by rolling in a skate board ramp as well as in a pool, if you’re able to find one. It seems great and it seems to be fascinating too. The main target is on sensation your board. Really feel it totally! I mean the way that Lincoln feel it. (Like on the pictures)