Lodge Guest, Bradley Pichler


Where do you currently live and where are you from ?

I currently live in Missoula, MT but am originally from Seattle, WA

Tell us a little bit about your past ?

I started skating around 6 years old in a town called Everett, WA. I lived there until I was about 12 then moved out to Montana for a better life with my family.

Why skateboarding ? How did it start for you ?

My dad was an avid skater growing up until he was diagnosed with with cancer. Luckily he kicked it’s ass and a few years later bought my brother and I skateboards. He built us a wooden rail we could skate outside of our house, tonight us how to kickflip then it all went from there!

What size set up, wheels & trucks do you currently ride ?

I ride Powerflex Wheels sized at 56mm. I pretty much skate any trucks I can get but if I had to choose it would be Ace Trucks sized at 149!

Do you have any setup rituals, we need to know about ?

I get way too stoked to skate so I just piece it all together and get to shredding!

Any sponsors ?

I am currently riding for Osiris Shoes, Dreamin Skateboards, Powerflex Wheels and Enabled Clothing.

What kind of skateboarding do you prefer ?

Everything from freestyle to bowl skating!

Do you have a great skate spot in your home town you can recommend ?

Board of Missoula

Who is your favorite skateboarders ?

Ben Hatchel and Brad McClain have been my biggest influences!

School, work, not working or other occupation ?

Secret πŸ™‚


Back Smith at Whitefish, MT bowl captured by Harrison Gayton


How is a normal day looking for you ?

Wake up and make some breakfast for my beautiful girlfriend, do some work, hang out with my dog and cat then get to skating πŸ™‚

Tell us how a good long great weekend should look for you

A weekend full of PBR, skating and my family ❀

Do you plan any new year resolutions ?

Just keep doing what I have been in 2018 because it was nothing but perfect.

Any big plans for 2019 ?

Enter some big contests and travel around the world as much as possible!

How are you going to celebrate new years eve ?

Already did with a Jar of Moonshine lol

Who are you hanging out with at the moment ?

My cat and I are at McDonalds getting some fries πŸ™‚




Who and what is your motivation at the moment ?

I tend to skate alone quite a bit so I’d have to say myself and my drive to progress!

Last country you visited ? and what happened there ?

Canada was the last country I visited but sadly that was 15 years ago

What was the last gnarly thing you witnessed ?

Jeff Dechesare Grizzly Grip part!

What was the last item you bought ?

Fries at McDonalds

What do you do besides skateboarding, do you have other hobbies, other interests ?

Too many to list! But a couple bigger ones would be making music and playing thousands of hours of SNES games

What is your to go to restaurant, you wanna share ?

Mexpress in Ronan, MT πŸ™‚

When you cook food, what do you cook ?

2 baked potatoes with 3 fried eggs on top smothered in country gravy!!

Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ?

Rockstar, Rockstar and Rockstar

How do you see the future of skateboarding ?

I see great things coming that none of us can even imagine.

Who do we need to interview on the lodge ?

Taylor Salway from Billings, MT

Do you ever think about a future with no skateboarding ?

My girlfriend and I talk about it all the time. Although if I didn’t skate, I’d probably I would probably be speed running SNES games lol

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