Lodge Guest, Filip Almqvist


Where do you currently live and where are you from ?

Malmö But Originally from Simrishamn

Tell us a little bit about your past ?

Used to live in My parents basement dreaming off becomming a rapper. Telling My mom to buy big pappers for me to write rhymes on haha

Why skateboarding ? How did it start for you ?

its to Hard to explain i guess for me its becos its make me feel normal anxeity/issues dissapear for some hours.. the Classic way My best friends brother skated and iwanted to be like him haha

What size set up, wheels & trucks do you currently ride ?

I always change haha But right now 8.5 polar board ace 55 and 53mm spitfires

Do you have any setup rituals, we need to know about ?

Loud music and a youtube review

What kind of skateboarding do you prefer ?


Do you have a skate spot in your home town you can recommend ?

Not Really there is nuthing But cobblestones and broken dreams

Who is your favorite skateboarders ?

Hard this one.. alot But i throw a few out! Oski, callesvantesson, Albert Nyberg, Tiago lemos, Tiago lemos, and Tiago lemos

School, work, not working or other occupation ?

Working partime driving dhl and partime Trying to become gaming pro

How is a normal day looking for you ? 

Wake up 5:00 make some coffe .. 5:20-5:45 stare into the Wall 6:00-13:00 work Then 13:30-22:00 games or skate

Tell us how a good long weekend is looking for you

No work on Friday , Sunny Weather , just got paid, go skate have some beers not get to drunk!.. Then wake up saturday play videogames and hang ut wiith girlfriend. Sunday is just str888 offlinemode

Any big plans for 2019 ?

Trying to go to newyork and visit Andrew and beat His lil ass up and skate! Try to go places and skate as mucho as possible

Christmas is here, will you get or give any big presents this year ?

Might get a Washing machine for small apartments Really Stoked on that, Ye i will buy alot of shit to My nephew he is the best

How are you going to celebrate new years eve ?

Offline mode

Who are you hanging out with at the moment ?

Kind of only internet friends Hahaha! But My friend Calle !went to NEW YORK and Japan with polar so hanged out with Them a bit lovley people





Who and what is your motivation at the moment ?

Gotta be the Guy at work Who drives delivery in Lund at the hospital and university.. its so insanenly Hard to find things there… And Tiago Lemos cuz he is Tiago lemos

Last country you visited ? and what happened there ?

Japan! Polar tour ! Love Japan its so beast

What was the last gnarly thing you witnessed ?

Drive by 50 m from My crib.. 6 dudes gunned Down outside and internet café … 3 died 3 survived

What was the last item you bought ?

A gaming monitor haha

What do you do besides skateboarding, do you have other hobbies, other interests ?

Thing it already made itself clear i play alot of video games

What is your to go to restaurant, you wanna share ?

Chaplin grill at värnhem

When you cook food, what do you cook ?

I Really Never cook…… But spaghetti and meat

Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ?

Never drink drinks always drink beerz But i like GT

How do you see the future of skateboarding ?


Who do we need to interview on the lodge ?

Calle Svantesson ! His middlename was given to him by Nelson Mandela

Do you ever think about a future with no skateboarding ?

Sometimes But i try not to think about it

Last words, did we miss anything ?

Thanks for having me !

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