Lodge Guest, Thomas Madsen
Name: Thomas Madsen
Current: job / school: Sidewalk Skateshop owner and Monster Skater
Where are you from? Born in Sydhavnen/Copenhagen and grew up in Greve, 30 mins from Copenhagen.
Where do you currently live? Copenhagen, Vesterbro
Kids / family status: “ kids –Buster 4 year and Berta 1 year + wife Anna
Age: 43
Sponsors: sidewalk skateshop
Board size: 8.5”
Wheel size: 56 mm- 60 mm depending on where I skate
Trucks: Theeve TIAX 5.85

Madsen doing some lovely frontside air. Vesterbro Copenhagen, Photo: Rasmus Bønnelykke.
Who do you chill with at the moment ? When the kids are sleeping I chill with Anna
When was you last mission ? Last mission was Jyllands tour with the Sidewalk Crew
Lately i have been working on, The Nutcracker show on Docken, were I was performing as a “Monster” skate
When im home I like to, Cook some nice a healthy food for the family, play with Buster and his LEGO and chill out in the couch.
I normaly call my homies for, Danish for “gutterne” ( the boys)
Your homies are, Fuglen, PEDE og O.
I enjoy to go to, Bryggeriet with the Lodge crew
Faviorite drink is, Caipirinha
To go to resturant is, something I really appreciate
Favorit skateboarders, Pedro, Raven, D.Way, Rune, The sidewalk boys, Dater, Mads C. Hjalte, and the rest of the lodge and I could keep on for ever. And of course all the legends like Guru, dressen, Alva, Natas, Carrol, Guy and Duffy.
Favorite skatepark. Fælledparken, Stabelsbad parken and Bryggeriet, The Cradle in Brixlegg, and Marseille – because it was the first concrete park I rode abouth 20 years ago.
Favorit spot. Hullet is amazing. Enghave Plads is fun we you are lucky to have it have it for yourself.
When I do not skateboard I. Work and hang out with my family.
When I get old I want to. He he. When are you old? I want to see the rest of the world
I would like to see more of, Vert and tranny skating in Denmark
My future looks like. Bright and busy. I have a lot of project in the pipeline. Skate trip to Cali with the Sidewalk Team in Februar. “Fortovsfest” on Enghave plads in May. Copenhell in June. Roskilde in July. Working on getting the old Vert-ramp back on track.
I dream of: Having a indoor Vert ramp in Copenhagen again.
Founds some old footage from Forum 1991. Thomas madsen has a run in there starting at 4 mins. There is some dope shit in there.
Thanks : Shredders Lodge, Team Sidewalk and Rasmus Bønnelykke, Albert and the ALIS crew, all the Vertskaters and Søren Aaby for hooking me up with my first sponsor.