Lodge Guest, Alan young

What is your name ?
Alan young
Where do you live and where are you from ?
encinitas, California
Tell us a little bit about your past… 80s ? 90s ? 00 ?
pretty much just skating and surfing haha
Why skateboarding ? How did it start for you ?
my dad grew up skating and surfing in the 70’s and 80’s so naturally i fallowed
What size set up, wheels & trucks do you currently ride ?
8.6 deck, 169 trucks, 55 mm, wheels
Any sponsors ?
creature, vox, oj, randoms
School, work, not working or other occupation ?
when I’m not skating i make knives, I’m starting a company called Rove knives, that has to do with skateboarding, camping and traveling on the raod

How is a normal day looking for you ?
everyday is different, but usually get up work on knives, find out where the boys are skating and go have a session somewhere
Tell us how a good long weekend is looking for you
skating with the boys, hopefully go on a mini trip somewhere, camp, shoot guns, the possibilities are endless

How was your year 2017 ?
2017 was awesome! a lot of traveling through europe and a whole lot of skating
So how was your first 2 weeks of 2018 ? living healthy already ?
so far so good! just trying to keep the stoke alive
What are your plans for 2018 ?
more traveling and more skating
Any new projects or missions 2018 you got going on you wanna talk about ?
working on a new video part and working on getting rove knives off to the next level
Do you read books ? if so, what do you read ?
in the past i haven’t been a big book reader but one of my goals this year is to read a lot more
Who are you hanging out with at the moment ?
been skating and hanging with Willis Kimbel, jimmy wilkins, brad herrera, griffin, skeletor and more of the boys
Who and what is your motivation at the moment ?
I’m motivated by all my friends that are out there getting after it
What else is going on ?
just trying to be productive as possible,
What do you do besides skateboarding, hoboes, other interests ?
making knives, riding motorcycles, surfing, shooting guns
What is your to go to resturant ?
good ol thai food
When you cook food, what do you cook ?
i love making soups or anything on the bbq
Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ?
coffee, water, cactus cooler
How do you see the future of skateboarding ?
Do you you have other hobbys besides skateboarding ?
surfing, making knives, riding motorcycles, shooting guns
Who do we need to interview on the lodge ?
@skelatorrr, @griffindorkus

New year is here, how do you celebrate new years eve ?
this year i just kicked it with my family
Tell us a slippery story.
this one time my buddy schooner, danny dicola, and fresh floyd made a trip down to mexico to skate this bowl called the showbowl out in the middle of nowhere, when we finally got there it was almost dark and we realized we had no money or food and couldn’t pay for the camping spot. so my buddy schooner and i made the trip into town to get supplies. its about a 45 minute drive on a dirt road just to get to the main road. we got there and got food beer and money and started heading back. we were driving on the dirt road in the pitch black and couldn’t find our way back because there are so many different it roads to take. it started getting foggy and couldn’t see past a few feet ahead of us. we continued driving for hours. we almost gave up and slept in the car. we decided to stop and get out to see if we could see anything better. and I’m glad we did because if we had drivin two more feet we would have driven off a straight diff to rocks into the ocean. it was seriously so lucky that we didn’t die. we looked at each other totally freaked out. so we got back in the car and then knew which way nit to drive. we could finally see some lights off in the distance and long story short made it back. the boys were stoked and we were freaked out but had a rad story to tell the boys. we ended up drinking and feasting and had a rad day the next day.

thank you to all my sponsors, friends and my awesome family! and anyone else who has helped me along the way
Last words ? thanks and cheers to may more years of pyre epicness! love, -Alan