Lodge Guest, Teddy Nielsen

What is your name ? Teddy Nielsen
Where do you live and where are you from ? Slagelse
What set up do you currenltly ride ? Antihero deck, Thunder trucks, bones wheels.
Any sponsors ? Nope
Family status ? 3 kids 3, 10, 14 boys 🙂 marley, Matti and Luca
School, work or both ? Im Reading psychology and working at a youth center
How is a great normal day looking for you ? ( start from morning til late night) I get up drink some coffee and eat eggs and bacon work a little read a little and then back to bed
Tell us how a good weekend is looking for you The perfect weekend drive to Malmø bryggeriet skate vert for a couple of hours with my fav crew drive back sleep for a couple of hours and then Go out

How is your summer coming along and how has it been ? Skate vise It’s been crap because of summer holiday and the ramp in Malmø has been closed Down
Any summer projects you wanna talk about ? My project to promote street sports, Dream On, did 2 events “gadeidrættens dag” with about 15 different street sports and a awesome motor cross show and We opened the miniramp at kultur godset and to me it was a perfect day. We had fodsporet On wheels a marathon On skateboard, rollerskaters and What nuts
Do you read books ? if so, what do you read ? Fav book is 4 hour Work week and Simon spies
Who are you hanging out with at the moment ? Spoon mountain, tommy’s vert ramp and bryggeriet
Tell us about the crew you are bringing to the session next time… Jesper funk, lacour brødrene, Bo warberg, Frederik Høpfner and Jan paulsen
Do you plan any fall or winter skatemissions ? Lots of Malmø lost of spoon and the compitition in halmstadt and Hamborg
How do you think your future will look like ? Bright.
What else is going on ? Not much.
What do you do besides skateboarding ? Work and lots of street sports events
What is your to go to resturants ? Mash, McDonald’s and Andrew’s
Whats your top 3 favorite meals ? Pizza, burger and Daim ice creamene cake
Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ? Gin and tonic beer and coffee
How do you see the future of skateboarding ? Bright
Do you you have other hobbys besides skateboarding ? Nope
Come on, tell us a slippery story. Cant come up with one