Lodge Guest, Magnus Gyllenberg

What is your name ? Magnus Gyllenberg
Where are you from ? Lidingö, a suburb to Stockholm
How old are you ? 42
Sponsors ? Why?
Board, Trucks & Wheel size ? Right now, a Pizza deck 8″, Ace 33 and Spitfire F4 50 mm. I also ride a Krooked Beemer 10.75″ with Indy 215 and some soft 52 mm wheels.
What is your normal skate terrain ? Pretty much crappy street spots, or a mini ramp once in a while. I love crappy street spots though!
Why do you skateboarding in the first place ? Fun, fun, fun. And it’s become such a habit my body freaks out if I don’t…
Tell us how a great day is looking for you It involves some good times with my kids and wife, playing some music, a good skate session and maybe a few glasses of wine and some bullshitting with my friends.
Any hobbys besides skateboarding ? Music, I play a lot of music on stringed instruments and synths as well.
Favorite skateboarders at the moment ? My all time heroes are Julien Stranger, Johnny Sandberg and Hans Göthberg. Modern day kids that I like are Simon Hallberg and Simon Karlsson. They fuckin’ rip!!!
What is the future of skateboarding ? How do you see it ? I don’t know. I’m an old fart. I shouldn’t have an opinion.
How are you doing at the moment ? Are you fit for fight ? I could lose a couple of kilos, but I love beer, wine and cheese too much so that is nog going to happen! I look at Gonz and find comfort. You can obviously keep ripping with a good ol’ belly!
Have you been on any mission(S) lately, you wanna tell about about ? I’ve been skating alone a lot lately. That is quite a mission since you go half insane skating on your own.
Who do you normally skate with ? Pelle Fredell from Hell. Martin Karlsson, Nicke Svensson – I guess.
How does your weekends normally look like ? A lot of hangin out with my family. A lot of cheese. Some skating. Some drinking if I wind up with some bad company.
What is your plan this summer, please let us know a few things your gonna do ? I don’t know. Skate some crappy street spots. Empty a few bag-in-boxes. Play some guitar. Hang out in the Stockholm archipelago. That is the best place in the world!!

What is the future of vert, street or bowl ? Do you see any new directions ? I have no idea what the future will bring, but I’ve been skating for 30 years now and it’s all been good. Especially through the “bad times”, so bring it on! I’ll have a good time no matte what. Let’s just hope no one gives too much of a fuck about the Olympics and that crap.
What motivates you at the moment ? The sound of my truck grinding the rough ledges of Svenberkadero.
Any Random storys ? Too many to chose from.
Do you cook food ? if so, what do you cook ? I am a terrible cook. I’m good at buying some nice tapas. That is my contribution to a nice dinner.
Favorite food ? I’m a sucker for tapas or central european food, like czech stuff (fried cheese, duck with knödel, whatever)
How does it feel to be on the lodge ? It’s OK.
Best Lodge interview / post you have read and why ? Puttis. I like that kid.
What should we know about you ? this is your chance to get it our there I’ve got a smoking hot wife. That is my biggest accomplishment in life. I better behave so I don’t fuck that up!
Any thank you’s Hans Göthberg – you’re the biggest inspiration for any skater.
What do you want to know about other skateboarders, do we miss a question ? I wanna know if there is any good footage of Lau Ebbesen from his early 90’s Black Label days. He ripped. Best style ever.
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