Lodge Guest, Shea Donavan
Name: Shea Donavan
Current: Job / school: I work at 187 pads. I’m taking a few art and design classes at the moment!
Where are you from? Salida, Colorado
Where do you currently live? Encinitas California!
Age: 18
Sponsors: new balance numeric, protec, skeleton key, vertual skateboards
Years of skateboarding: 9
Board size: 8.38
Wheel size: 56ish I think? Whatever the boys give me! Skeeeyee
Trucks: 149
Loose or tight trucks: somewhere in the middle
How offen do you change your set up : every few weeks maybe… i hate when my grip tape gets slick. So sometimes I’ll just change grip
Current Board trend:
I just kinda rip my grip and then send er on the board. I like the random jagged look.
Please state your type of terrain on your board in hours, days and years
I probably spend about half the time skating vert and the other half skating bowls or trying to mess around on street stuff. I try to skate a bit of everything!
Please tell us about your daily DAY by the hours, (or tell us about your longest day the last
week’s) we want to know how your day is looking like.
Wake up, get a coffee… a big one. Then find out what all the boys are up to. Probably go skate prince park in Oceanside for a while, grab a burrito at one of the many spots. Preferably direbertos so you have one the size of your arm. Then cruise to Mancha’s backyard ramp! Kick it there for a while and then that’s usually about the extent of my day!
Dope footage below, edit from Tylre Wilcox:
How are you doing at the moment?
So good! Just got back from an amazing trip skating some spots around Europe with the boys! Couldn’t be more stoked! Life is good
How is your body at the moment, (injuries, knees, back, and so)?
Nothin to bad I don’t think! Something always hurts a bit haha.
When did you start to skateboard and why?
I Started when I was 9. My friend gave me his old board for my birthday. It was all chipped up but he put some new grip on it and spray painted “I rule the park” on it! I was so stoked. It all kinda started from there.
Do you think you made the right choice (instead of playing football FX?)?
yeah. I played soccer for a while when I was younger, but once I started skating I quit dribbling around pretty quick. Coaches are weird.
Where do you stand in terms of politics?
Fuck trump
Have you been on any great mission’s lately ?
Just returned from an amazing trip to Europe! The boys and I went to vert attack, cruised Copenhagen for a little and then went to Berlin! That was such a sick trip. I really wanna try and make it out to Copenhagen in the summer. Definitely one of my favorite cities!
Have you been working on projects lately, DIY or other funny stuff ?
Ive been making some hats and shirts! That’s pretty fun. Just some random art.
What kind of music to you listen to ?
I try to get a bit of it all… but when I’m skating I find myself almost always listening to rap. Gangsta shiiii
When was the last time you really won big time?
I feel like the last year has been one big win! Since moving out here I get to skate with all these awesome people and go on some really fun trips. The fact that I get to skate these insane parks and ramps with such a sick crew is pretty damn tight.
When was the time you really lost big time?
Hell nah
When you travel, is there anything you ALWAYS bring ?
Sketchbook, headphones, skateboard
Best travel advice you can give is ?
Pack more underwear
Best life advice you can give is ?
Do what ya want.
Are you good with money (do you plan, safe it, cash in or blow it)?
I try to save. I find myself mostly blowing it on burritos.
What other hobbys do you have beside skateboarding?
Snowboarding, drawing
Do you care about your health?
Try to stretch and eat decent.. could do better
Anything that concerns you at the moment?
Global warming, our gov., fat people
What is your future plans ?
Go to some more sweet places! Make some cool stuff, do some even cooler stuff.
Any regrets in life so far?
Need to go full send more
Shouts out to: Thomas kring! He’s a pimp! Thanks for showing us around Copenhagen! jimmy, blasko, novy, clay, griff, rp, all the Colorado boys, riley, the Brazilian squad and everyone that rules so hard! (Also pimps)