Lodge Guest, Isak Tullin
What is your name ? Isak Tullin
Where are you from ? vesterbro
How old are you ? 11
Sponsors ? nope
Board, Trucks & Wheel size ? doom sayers 8.25, indys 144 and bones 56
What is your normal skate terrain ? flow park
Why do you skateboarding in the first place ? my dad by me a board in Sweden
Tell us how a great day is looking for you skate with friends
Any hobbys besides skateboarding ? karate and bass
Favorite skateboarders at the moment ? not really but the cosset are GT
What is the future of skateboarding ? How do you see it ? pretty good
How are you doing at the moment ? Are you fit for fight ? yeaaarh
Have you been on any mission(S) lately, you wanna tell about about ? yes i go to malmō with oscar and mom and in the warm up i broke my hand, and to days later I’ve been sick
Who do you normally skate with ? Oscar, Viktor, yousef and mouch more
How does your weekends normally look like ? wake up and eat and then i skate so fast i can
What is your plan this summer, please let us know a few things your gonna do ? skate, skate, skate, skate and skate
What is the future of vert, street or bowl ? Do you see any new directions ? more bowls in copenhagen
What motivates you at the moment ? my friends
Favorite food ? pizza
i don’t have any
How does it feel to be on the lodge ? good
Best Lodge interview / post you have read and why ? vigges and i don’t no why
What should we know about you ? this is your chance to get it our there i love metallica
Any thank you’s Oscar and Viktor to bee good friends
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