Lodge Guest, Alexander Hochmuth (Mutten)
What is your name ? Alexander Hochmuth (Mutten)
Where are you From ? Farum Midtpunkt – Nordsjælland – R.I.P Brixtofte
How old are you ? 25
Sponsors ? None
Board, Trucks & Wheel size ? Jægers/Balaclava (8,25), Thunder (147), Darkstarr (52)
What is your normal skate terrain ? 95 % street, 5 % miniramp.
Why do you skateboarding the first place ? Cause i liked it straight away, had a group of good friends that was into it also. Our parents drove us around everywere and bought us all the gear, good times.
Tell us how a great day is looking for you, a whole day A great day: I wake up at 11:00 im in Barcelona or some other warm sunny place. I have i nice breakfast and a good cup of coffie. I go skate with the homies, learn some new tricks, get the footy, go home and watch it 1000 times while smoking. Repeat it for 2 weeks
Do you think your parents wanted you to skate ? Not anymore. But as a kid my mom forced me to use my skateboard instead of my (scooter) – so in a way yes.
What is the future of skateboarding ? sls skateboarding, concrete skateparks, Instagram.
How are you doing at the moment ? Are you fit for fight ? Yes im doing ok, trying to skate a bit everyday if possible.
Have you been on any mission(S) lately, you wanna tell about about ? Yes. We were skating a flat rail spot near Bellahøj Svømmestadion. A guy came along and started taking photos of ramdom people. He almost got served by a local g who didn’t like the guy or the camara – we tried to calm down the situation, but we had to get the fuk outta there instead.
Who do you skate with ? Redplaza crew, Jægers Crew, Nikolaj Askholm, Thomas Evenstad, Rallefaren, Benjamin Jørgensen, Buster Nielsen.
What is your plan this spring 2017 & summer ? no plans really, I gotta work through the summer break;(
What motivates you at the moment ? 411, puzzle, onvideo, stretching, coffie, oddsing on tennismatches.
Any Thank you’s ? Thanks yous momma
Random storys ? As a youngster i urinated in a empty can while i was wasted, later that night woke up dry im my mouth thinking the can still contained the soda. Afterwards i saw in some interview that the same thing had happend to David Gonzales. Pretty random