Lodge Guest, Finn Dynesen

Finn D & Ole Rauff

Finn D & Ole Rauff

Name: Finn Dynesen

Current: Job / school: Still sick from a motorcycle accident in 2008. Broke my back, and its hurting every day.

Where are you from? Herning, Denmark

Where do you currently live?  Østerbro, Copenhagen

What nationaly do you feel the most?  Østerbrosk, aka CPH

Age: that must be 47

Years of skateboarding: 30 this year

Board size: 8.8

Wheel size:60


Loose or tight trucks : Sonny made me ride loose trucks in Cali. And I’m still happy about it. Thanks Sonny.

How offen do you change your set up : feels like never

Current Board trend: No im a follower



Blast from the past, photo: unknown

Blast from the past, photo: unknown



Please tell us about your daily DAY by the hours,  (or tell us about your longest day the last 

week’s) we want to know how your day is looking like.

Mostly i lay in bed. My back decide that.  I try to hit the park as much my back allow it

How are you doing at the moment? 

Looking forward to shorts and t-shirt




How is your body at the moment, (injuries, knees, back, and so)? 

Not that good. But try to be happy

When did you start to skateboard  and why?  

1987  A breakdance friend made me go with him to Sminge, and try the park.  That was a eye opener. I quit ice hockey and start skating. My hockey friends thought i was loosing it.

Do you think you made the right choice  (instead of playing football FX?)?

Hell yes



mother farker air. Photo: Tobias plass

Mother farker air. Photo: Tobias plassWhere do you stand in terms of politics?

Have you been on any great mission’s lately ? 

no sorry

Have you  been working on projects lately, DIY or other funny stuff ? 

no sorry

What kind of music to you listen to ?

all kinds of music.  60s 80s / metal, reggae, funk, punk,

When was the last time you really won big time? 

When i start skating

When was the time you really lost big time? 

lost to a car in 2008

When you travel, is there anything you ALWAYS bring ?

Try always to bring my  skateboard

Best travel advice you can give is ?

bring money

Best life advice you can give is ? 

Live it full. You never know when its over

Are you good with money  (do you plan, safe it, cash in or blow it)? 

yes im good spending it

What other hobbys do you have besides skateboarding ? 

Spending time in my bed with ps3.  And i will try to film a lot this summer. I like to use my go pro. And i spent some time every summer on a stand up paddle board





Do you care about your health? 

Try not to

Anything that concerns you at the moment? 

Only politicians


FD, one foot, photo: kristian knarrebæk

FD, one foot, photo: kristian knarrebæk


What is your future plans ? 

Only to get by till next day

The hobby I have, no one knows about is,  

Stand up paddle.  It’s so great to be on the water in the summer. Good for the mind

Any regrets in life so far?

hmmm  not really.


blast from the past !!! photo: we have no idea, feel free to inform us

blast from the past !!! photo: we have no idea, feel free to inform us


Random story’s you want to share? 

I have a few ….

Dont ever get addicted to oxycontin pain killers.  Its a hell getting out of that shit.  Bite the pain.  And when you start skating, loose those trucks. I know what im talking about.

I remember DM in Sminge 1987 or 88. Half pipe and concrete pool.   That was the first contest i saw.  It was really crazy. Everybody had the gas pedal on max.The Copenhagen skates team was there. That was THE team. You guys where ripping.  I got a Copenhagen skates t-shirt, and i was a proud beginner.

Lars Olsen you where really good then. And me and Dan from Århus came to visit your ramp in Odense, and i was thinking,  “you can do every tricks there is”  You made me learn frontside air in a day in Sminge.

Also went to Munster monster mastership,90,91, to watch the WM madness. It was crazy to watch the film idols in real time craziness. That was the first time a Brasilian skater was introduced to the scene.  And it was no joke.  I remember thinking “how can he be that good”  But they are still showing how.

In Pat Ngoho’s run doing a weelie on the platform, a photographer was in front of him. And got pushed so hard, that he was flying backwards, and Pat still wheeling  and went into the ramp again, people went crazy.

And caveman Lee Ralph in he’s Dr Martin boots was a man to remember.

And it was the first introduction to Danny Way. He was a kid, ripping so hard it looked like photoshop.

I could go on and on.  But i will not take any more of your time. Get out and skate

Thanks to 

Anja, friends and family and Bjarke for making me go to Sminge in 87


Fs ollie, yes....Finn D turned into a stamp. photo: not sure

Fs ollie, yes….Finn D turned into a stamp. photo: not sure

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