Lodge Guest, Morten Eriksen

Boneless Tivoli Foto: Casper Hechmann

Boneless Tivoli Foto: Casper Hechmann

Name: Morten Eriksen

Current: Job / school: kindergarden teacher

Where are you from? Falster, Denmark

Where do you currently live?  Vesterbro, Copenhagen

Family status: Single

Age: 27

Sponsors: Labcph

Years of skateboarding: 17 years

Board size: 8,25

Wheel size: 53 mm

Trucks:  Thunder 149

I change set up every: I have had i couple of setups during the summer, lost one in Kødbyen and forgot one on my bike, but i usually change board every second week.

Current Board trend: No trend 

Please state your type of terrain on your board in hours, days and years or other 

Street: 65%

(Skatepark) Flow Street :Enghaveplads (slappy curb) 34 %

Freestyle: 1%


Bs. Powerslide Falster foto: Rasmus Bønnelykke

Please tell us about your daily DAY by the hours,  (or tell us about your longest day the last week’s)  We want to know how your day is looking like

06.00 sleep


16.00 slappy session at enghave or a coffee with Rasmus at Sidewalk

17.00 more coffee or slappies

18.00 streetsession – Jægers during the winter

22.00 session done

23.00 getting updated on todays news in skateboarding, or watch Netflix/ TV2 play

24.00 go to sleep

How are you doing at the moment? 

Im good, quit my job in april, and have been skating, traveling, drinking, chilling and just enjoying the summer for 5 month, just got back to work again, so cant complain 🙂

How is your body at the moment , (injuries, knees, back, and so so ) ?  

its good, no injuries, sometimes my knees and hip needs a break, but cant complain


Fakie nosegrind Kongens nytorv foto: Tue Olsen

When did you start to skate and why ?  what tricked you into this ? 

Started in 1999 , one of my friends bought a board at One skate shop in Nakskov, and i tried it one day and got in to it. so got one for my 10 year old birthday.

Where do you stand & please comment with skateboarding in the olympics  ? 

hmm – their shouldn’t be any olympics in skateboarding – only Tampa am/pro, and  the danish contest  “prygl i parken”

I’m have been on a mission lately in (with)

Out with Casper Henchman to get some footy for my Checkout in Pushermag.

Dream session would be, when its friday and you get off work at 1, drink a coffee and go skate all day with the homies, and finish of with beers

Lately I have been working on, My checkout in Pushermag, and new tricks at the slappycurb

When im home I like to,  watch skateclips/movies, netflix, Tv2play, sleep and eat

I normally call my homies for, Session, beers, watch a movie or make some food

Your homies are,  Casper H, Rasmus B, Gustav N, Oliv, Filip, Johan (slappy) , Ronni K and the rest of the nbp/rødeplads/enghave crew

I enjoy going to, sleep



Fs. Noseslide Flintholm foto: Casper Hechmann


Favorite drink is, King øl, or a Dark´n stormy

Favorite food is, curry chicken, bolognese or danish dish called, “krebinetter”

Favorite drugs, No drugs

Favorite drunk moment’s ? Friday night after a good session

Favorite music,  neil Young and anything chill,

Favorite skateboarders, Marc Johnson, Mark Suciu, Tom Knox, Poul Shier and many more

Favorite skate film, Modus Operandi, Ilse (vase), GX1000, boys of summer and many more i cant remember.

Favorite skatepark,  Nørrebroparken

Favorite spot, Israels Plads

When I cook, I cook, mostly i eat bread and bananas, i cook with the homies, and that is usually bolognese or anything with meat.


THE TEAM Berlin – foto: Gustav Nordkild

To go to trick is, Wallie, Slappies and fs feeble

To go to trick when you are farked is, none, just slaming around

To go to trick when you are winning is, Wallie

TOP 3 Cities, Copenhagen, Berlin, Budapest

When I travel, I always bring,  My board, my camera, clean socks, backgammon and money for coffee and beers

Are you good with money  ( do you plan, safe it,  cash in or blow it )? i am really good at spending money, so i am blowing it,  a lot of impuls buyings, always buying snacks

foto: Gustav Nordkild

foto: Gustav Nordkild

When I do not skateboard I, watch skate movies/netflix/tv2play, make food with the homies and drink beers and coffee

My fitness program is, in the weekdays i work out with my foam roll, and in the weekends i work on my six-pack with 6-packs

When I get old I want to,  live by a lake, have my morning coffee and listen to cozy music

I should do more of, flat tricks

My future looks like, i hopefully keep on skating for a long time, and maybe some day start a family

The book I currently read is, hmm i dont really read books, i look at pictures and mostly read  subtleties on Netflix

The best travel I have been on,  the Budapest tour 2016, and the Berlin Tours in 2014-2015-2016.

On Netflix / youtube  I watch,  a lot of bad action movies

Everybody should own a, Toaster


Morten Wallis Foto: Rasmus Bønnelykke


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