Lodge LEGEND, Peter Hewitt ( RERUN)

foto: joe face
Name: Peter Hewitt, I have no middle name
Current: Job / school:
Where are you from?
San Diego CA
Where do you currently live?
San Diego CA
Kids / family status:
No kids
Anti Hero, Spitfire, Independent, Dickies, Buckshot, Vans, Doomsayers, Bones Swiss bearings, Pacific Drive
Years of skateboarding:
Board size:
Wheel size:
I change set up every:
Depends, 2 weeks to 2 months
Current Board trend ,
Fished out tails and short beaks

Too good, to be true.
Photo: Brian Shamanski
If you would go to a island and you could only bring a vert ramp or concrete bowl ? what would you bring ?
Definitely concrete, wood wouldn’t even last a year on a desert island
Please let me know how you feel about the last skateboardings decades
Small wheels, vert skaters go underground, pools become my main interest.
2000 s
2nd rise of the concrete parks, this time they are staying. New generation of transition skaters appear and the older generation learns they’re mini ramp tricks again.
All generation’s of skateboarders are skating together, and all disciplines are mixed together. New learning from the old and the old learning from the new. Skateboarding wins.
How do you see the skateboarding future ?
See above
Footage from 1999, enjoy !
Years of skateboarding:
Board size:
Wheel size:
I change set up every:
Depends, 2 weeks to 2 months
Current Board trend :
Fished out tails and short beaks
How are you doing at the moment ?
At the moment my body is working, that could change in a hour
When I chill, I chill with,
My girlfriend of 10 years, she puts up with my madness
Im have been on a mission lately in ( with)
Chris Cope
Dream session is,
Skate with my original crew, Moffett, Bailey, Don, Marty, Gram, Claar, Jason can come too
Lately i have been working on,
Filming a video part for spitfire
When I was little I would like to,
Play war in the canyon
When im home I like to,
Do handstands
I normally call my homies for,
Your homies are,
People who live in your home
I enjoy going to,
Favorite drink is,
Favorite food is,
The essence of life
Favorite drug,
Favorite music,
All of it
Favorite film,
Favorite skateboarders,
Ones that stay outa my way
Favorite skatefilm ,
Police academy 2
Favorite skatepark,
That mini ramp in Japan
Favorite spot,
Montage of gleaming the cube
Favorite woman / men ( blond, fat, thin, big, small)
All of the above
When I cook, I cook,
Fucking good shit man, you kidding me
The Hobby I have no one knows about is,
World famous Squirrel suite builder
To go to trick when you are winning is,
Go to fakie
TOP 3 cities,
Malahambra, FQ
Grotzville, BA
Ranketts Town, USA
TOP SUCK citys,
Same as above
When I do not skateboard I,
My fitness program is,
I start with rope then move to high rep low weight and I end it with a mini triathlon

You make your own caption here. Peter wanted this in here. looks dope.
When I get old I want to,
Die in my sleep
I would like to see more of,
NASA getting back into the space program
End of the world any time soon ?
That one time where I was in jail because of,
I flipped over a car with my bare hands on a bet
I should do more of,
High impact aerobics
My future looks like,
The jetsons
I dream of,
A genie
The book I currently read is,
A cat named Bob
On Netflix I watch,
Stuff on Netflix
If I could change the world I would,
I’d make it flat
The hobby I have, no one knows about is,
Square dancing
I would love to be in a movie with,
Lots of naked chicks
Favorite movies :
Leprechaun 1, 2 and three
I currently follow (social media, instagram twitter, facebook)
Thanks PETER for supporting the lodge !!