Lodge Guest, Kyle Turner

Linda Vista full pipe Photo by David Fosman
What is your name ?
Kyle Turner

Where do you live and where are you from ?

I grew up and currently live in Carlsbad, California

Why skateboarding ? How did it start for you ?

I started skateboarding because I had seen it all around me, living in Carlsbad and all it was easy to pick up. I really have fun with it when I met Pierre-Luc Gagnon, he began to take me with him everywhere. To and from contest and demos, we would skate the Monster/ Dc ramp every other day, it was a blast.

What size set up, wheels & trucks do you currently ride ?

I ride an 8.5 with 149 trucks, and 56mm wheels. For grip and hardware I just use whatever the shop decides to give me, hah.

Any sponsors ?

Yeah! I currently ride for Sun Diego Boardshops, Lipstick Surf Co, 187 Killer Pads, and Monster Army.

School, work, not working or other occupation ?

I currently don’t work, although i’m getting more into photography so I might start doing that. I’m in my senior year of high school, and have been accepted into Cal State San Marcos, super stoked on that!


Frontside Boneless Photo by Cameron Yenche


How is a normal day looking for you ?

I usually wake up around 6 and go surf, or do the same but skate. School doesn’t start till 10:30 so I have time in the mornings, and I have weekends off so i’m pretty happy with that. After school I’ll go work out with a buddy, or if the waves are good go surf. I like to skate most at night,then go home and crash hah.


Tell us how a good long weekend is looking for you

Most weekends I go to skateparks I can’t skate during the weekdays, or go hang out with friends. When I get three day weekends I’ll go camp, or go up north to do something new.




Testing out the Mega Ramp Photo Daymein Hertenstein

Testing out the Mega Ramp Photo Daymein Hertenstein


How was your year 2017 ?

2017 was fun, was injured on and off the board but got to surf a lot and go on some trips.

What are the plans for 2018 ?

2018 will be a lot of fun, I have some trips planned with Monster, going to film, skate, and work on some projects. During the summer I have 2 or 3 contest i’ll be attending, and plan on doing a lot of camping with friends. I’m going to starting to do freelance photography, and work on getting some more sponsors to back me for my trips.

Any new projects or missions 2018 you got going on you wanna talk about ?

I mentioned most of it, but I have started attempting to skate Mega Ramp, and a goal of mine is to get some runs down on that. I’m also really excited for a trip to Mammoth that i’m planing, that park looks really gnarly and i’m a little scared to go skate it hah.

Do you read books ? if so, what do you read ?

I don’t read a whole lot, but I like listening to a skate podcast with Chris Roberts called the Nine Club, andsome Ted Talks about different topics. Yet The Great Gatsby is a favorite of mine.

Who are you hanging out with at the moment ?

Lately just been hanging out with my school friends a lot, and I go skate with Elliot Sloan, Jimmy Wilkins, Alex Perelson, and Daymein Hertenstein. I have been able to do some fun projects lately with my friend Noah Crider which have been really rad.




Who and what is your motivation at the moment ?

Some of the dudes I look up to would be Noah Crider, Jimmy Wilkins, and Zach Miller. Zach’s a super cool dude, he travels, films, and models, for different companies and that something I really look up to, and would want to do someday. I’m motivated to just keep doing what i’m doing, and see where that takes me

What else is going on ?

I have been surfing a ton, that’s been fun, I’m shaping a board for the first time an a week or so with my friend Cole, excited about that.

What do you do besides skateboarding ?

Surf, and take photos, I have a 35mm I use, if you want you can see all my photos on @khylturner2.

What is your to go to resturant ?

There are so many good ones in Carlsbad I can’t really choose hah.

When you cook food, what do you cook ?

I like burritos and cereal if that counts as cooking hah.

Whats your top 3 favorite drinks ?

Water is good, Horchata, and tea, a lot of tea.

How do you see the future of skateboarding ?

It’s crazy the progression with skateboarding now days, with skating entering into the Olympics I can only see it getting more crazy from here. I just hope its image can change somewhat, it still has a bit of a negative connotation which sucks. When people ask what you do and you say “Skateboard” you still get some unpleasant looks from time to time hah.

Do you you have other hobbys besides skateboarding ?

Just all of the stuff that I have mentioned above.

Who do we need to interview on the lodge ?

Jimmy Wilkins for sure, or any of the skaters that I have mentioned above.


Frontside Ollie Photo David Fosman

Frontside Ollie Photo David Fosman

New year is here, how do you celebrate new years eve ?

Had a ton of fun with friends starting the new year off right!

Tell us a slippery story.

I got pooped on by a bird when I went surfing yesterday, that was slippery hah.



Blurry 35mm shot Photo Kamden Miller

Blurry 35mm shot Photo Kamden Miller


THANK YOU! to all my family, friends, and sponsors that made 2017 rad, and for their continuous support.

Last words ?

Thanks for having me! And another thank you to everyone who has had my back!

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