Lodge Guest, Austin Novy
What is your name ? Austin Novy
Where do you live and where are you from ? Born and raised in Encinitas, California
What set up do you currenltly ride ? Brandon Lasko’s old Real board with Jimmy Wilkins older thunder trucks and Zach Millers old Spitfire wheels.
Any sponsors ? I consider all the boys to be my sponsors.
Family status ? I have a beautiful tortoise named Dave the tortoise.
School, work or both ? chasing the dream
Who are your early skate heros?
Tell us how a good weekend is looking for you A good weekend includes surfing, skating and shooting my favorite people and ending Sunday with a full day of color correction and edits.
How is your summer coming along and how has it been ? Summer has been unreal, best summer of my life, been getting to shoot, skate and travel more than ever.
Any summer projects you wanna talk about ? About to drive up to Washington from San Diego just to camp and explore and in October I think me and a few of the homies are going to film in NYC for some skate parts.
Who are you hanging out with at the moment ? My roommates, Brandon Lasko, Jimmy Wilkins, Shea Donavan and Zach Miller, Dave the tortoise, lots of good people and reptiles.
Do you plan any fall or winter skatemissions ? Hopefully NYC, maybe Brazil for Ronnys contest, and for sure gonna try and go to Vert attack again and CPH if I can!
What else is going on ? Not much just got some groceries and some modelos, saving some money so I can travel more with the homies!
What do you do besides skateboarding ? Photography, Surfing, Videography, Camping
Do you do have other hobbys besides skateboarding ? Yeah surfing and playing with camera.
Who do we need to interview on the lodge ? Dave the Tortoise or Griffin Dorkus
add skate photo here, please credit photodude https://www.instagram.com/p/xxMxGhRM8J/?taken-by=davethetortoise
Last Question…what you got ? Vert attack… 2017… second to last!
Come on, tell us a slippery story. One time when I was like 17, Myself, Alex Perelson and Zach Miller went to Woodward… I thought it was a good idea to buy a lunchable from the grocery store, turns out it was expired by 4 months and I got super sick… super sick…..
Thank you (s) ?
Thank you to Thomas Kring for showing us such an epic time in CPH and for everyone in the skate world that has been supportive, such a sick family and so stoked to travel with such great people.